Chapter 17: Do You Trust Me?

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After finding the Jedi Temple on Corellia was abandoned, Din, the child, Ani, Kaytia, and I left Corellia, returning to the Razor Crest. I was devastated to find the Jedi temple was changed into an Imperial establishment.

Once Kaytia, Ani, and the child were asleep in Din's room, I made my way to the cockpit, where Din was, sitting in the pilot's chair. I tried contacting Luke, but I got no answer from him. Perhaps he was busy. Lately, he's been on several missions for the New Republic as well as building his Jedi Academy, creating a new Jedi Order. Han and Chewy were also on several missions for the New Republic. Meanwhile, Leia was busy involved with the Senate.

"Your brother didn't answer?" Din asked, turning his chair around to face me.

"I'm afraid not." I said.

"Do you know where he is?" He inquired.

"To be honest, I've got no idea." I mentioned.

We were counting on me contacting Luke to tell him about the child. But now, we'll have to resort to something else, since he wasn't picking up. And who knows when he will respond.

"What will we do now?" I questioned.

"I've got an idea." He began.


"This is your idea?"

Din had taken us to some planet located in the Outer Rim. I wasn't even sure if this was a good idea. He hadn't told me much of his plan, leaving me pretty much in the dark. All he said was that this would help us find more of the child's and my kind, which was pretty vague.

"How do you even know this guy?" I questioned.

"I have connections." He replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

He let out a sigh. "Do you trust me?"

"I do." I confirmed without hesitation.

He gave me a nod. "Good. I'm going to meet him. I won't be long."

He then stood up, preparing to leave the cockpit without saying another word. But I definitely wasn't going to let him go and meet this contact on his own. I immediately shot up from my seat.

"Wait, you're not going alone." I protested. 

Upon hearing my words, he turned around to face me. He placed his gloved hands in mine before his helmet looked in my direction. "Nothing will happen to me. I'll be all right."

My heart clenched, remembering what happened on Nevarro not too long ago. He knew I was still worried about that. But I couldn't forget about it, I nearly lost Din then. I'm not going to lose him, not if I can help it. I gave his hands a squeeze.

"We'll go together. As a family." I suggested.

Upon saying those words, I noticed Din tense up. Did I overstep? Knowing I'd end up staying here, I reluctantly turned away from Din, sitting back down. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't dare look at him. He then gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"I'll be back soon." He assured me.

He then left without saying another word. Minutes turned into hours and I grew worried. Din said he'd return soon. Had he gotten into trouble? I wouldn't be surprised. All of the sudden, I heard the door opened. Believing it was Din, I turned around. However it was only Kaytia, who had woken up.

"Is dad, Ani, and the child back yet?" She questioned.

"No, not yet. He took Ani and the child with him?" I inquired, rather baffled.

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