Chapter 3: Training The Villagers

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After what felt like a while, we finally arrived at the village. The village had several small homes, small lakes, and with a giant forest around them. They had a few other carts with tools, pots, pans, baskets, and other necessities.   

"Everyone, they're here!" The villagers exclaimed.

The children rushed over to Grav-cart with smiles on their faces. I watched as the villagers looked at us in awe.

"Well, looks like they're happy to see us." The Mandalorian pointed out.

"Looks like." Cara commented.

As soon as the children reached the Grav-cart, they surrounded the child, who was happy to see other children. They all watched him in awe. Once Ani saw the children, he hopped off the Grav-cart and surrounded the children as he wagged his tail. The children let out laughs as some of them chased after Ani, while the rest remained with the child.

"Usually he's not this friendly." I mentioned.

"He must take after his owner." The Mandalorian retorted.

Cara snickered at the comment, causing me to glare at them both. We then got off the Grav-cart. The adult villagers approached us, helping us get everything off the cart. One of adults showed Cara to her lodging, I remained outside the Mandalorian's lodging waiting to be shown to mine. A woman, who we discovered was named Omera set up his lodging.

"I hope this is comfortable for you." She commented.

"This will do fine." The Mandalorian assured her.

"I stacked some blankets over here." Omera mentioned.

"Thank you. That's very kind." He replied.

As I waited outside, I saw a girl peeking inside. The Mandalorian sensed this and immediately whipped around, scaring the girl. Omera immediately walked over to the girl, pulling her into her arms. "This is my daughter, Winta. We don't get a lot of visitors around here."

"She's not used to strangers." Omera explained. "This nice man along with the two women he came with are going to help protect us from the bad ones."

Winta wore a timid look as she spoke. "Thank you."

The Mandalorian gave her a nod. I saw that he lowered his shoulders, easing up.

"Come on, Winta. Let's give our guests some room." Omera suggested. She then turned to me. "I'll show you where you're staying."

"Thank you." I replied before looking at the Mandalorian. "I'll see you later, Mando."

He gave me a nod before we left. Once Omera showed me my lodging, I put my belongings down on the ground. It was then when Winta spotted my scar. I mentally cursed at myself for not covering it up.

"Where did you get that scar?" She asked.

I immediately covered the scar with a scarf that I had. Omera turned to Winta, scolding her. "Winta, I'm sure she doesn't wish to talk about it."

Omera then turned to me, offering a smile. "I'm sorry about Winta. She's just curious. She means no harm."

I waved my hand. "It's all right. It's just a scar that a bad guy gave me."

Winta's eyes lit up. "And did you beat him?"

I forced a smile. "Of course, he was no match for the mighty Helia Halcyon. Thank you for the lodging."

"It's the least we can do. After all you're helping us out." Omera replied. "Let me know if you need anything."

And with that, Omera and her daughter left my new home, leaving me alone.

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