Chapter 37: Together Again

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Tigris lunged towards me, swinging his lightsaber. I quickly raised my lightsaber, clashing it against his. Tigris and I used all our strength, pushing against one another. I reached out to the Force before extending out my right hand towards Tigris.

He was thrown back against the wall, falling to the ground with a thud. However, he quickly climbed up to his feet. Tigris let out a deep growl before running towards me. He raised his lightsaber towards me, but I was quick to retaliate. I returned his attacks, keeping up with him. During our duel, Tigris took out a second lightsaber, igniting the blade to reveal a green blade. He raised it up in the air for me to see.

"You remember this lightsaber?" He inquired.

"Can't say I have. I've seen many green lightsabers." I retorted.

He clenched his jaw. "This belonged to my mother! The very one that you killed when you came to Firrerre."

I watched as Tigris's skin turned silver as his anger grew immensely. He then lunged towards me. I dodged his attack, missing the blade by a few centimeters. I slid across the floor before spinning around. Tigris whipped around to face me. I quickly extended out my hand, using the Force to push him back. Tigris then flew back into the hallway, hitting the wall. I turned towards Kaytia, using my lightsaber to cut her stun-cuffs.

"Kay, stay here." I advised. "I'm gonna finish this once and for all."

I then rushed out into the hallway as Tigris stood up from the ground. As we met, our lightsabers clashed. I spun my lightsaber around my body, protecting myself as Tigris's attacks became more aggressive. Tigris then extended out a hand, using the Force against me. I flew back into the next hallway, hitting the hard wall. I let out a groan as I fell onto the ground.

He then threw his green lightsaber towards me. Quickly, I jumped up into the air, barely missing the blade. Tigris used the Force to try and grab his lightsaber, but I beat him to it. I extended out a hand, reaching out to the Force. In a matter of seconds, the lightsaber was in right hand. I rushed back into the hallway, where Kaytia's cell was. I swung the lightsaber blades, colliding them against Tigris's red blade.

"You know Kaytia was very devastated when I told her that she's actually a clone, your clone." He said, taunting me.

I was taken back by his words. He knew about Kaytia being a clone? That's impossible...Tigris let out a dark chuckle. "Oh I know all about Project Gemini...and how you killed all those Kaminoan scientists. You should've seen her, when I told her that you were going to kill her."

I couldn't believe his words. He told her all that? I could feel my anger rising from within me. Tigris narrowed his yellow eyes, glaring at me. "You took everything from me, Noxia! My parents, my planet, my home, Now I'm gonna do the same to you!"

Tigris and I used all our strength, pushing each other back. We both stumbled as we took a few steps back from each other. I stared at him, inspecting his movement to see when and how he'd attack next. Tigris noticed this and tried distracting me with his words. "And once you and your Mandalorian lover is dead, I'm gonna take your clone and the child, turning them into my apprentices, torturing and training them, like you did with me."

Upon hearing his words, I felt my anger and hatred towards Tigris rising. I couldn't help but embrace in my rage, hatred, pain, and fear. I'll kill Tigris before he tries to hurt my kids. I turned off the green lightsaber before tossing it to the aside. As Tigris rushed to grab the lightsaber, I let out a scream as I extended out my right hand towards him, giving into my emotions.

"You will leave my children out of this!" I snapped.

He was lifted in the air, and he struggled, trying to free himself from my grasp, but it was all in vain. I had him right where I wanted him, and I had no intention of letting him go. I was blinded by wanting Tigris killed that I visualized him suffering for all his words. Slowly his body began to crush as I slowly engulfed my hand into a fist. He let out a yell filled with agony, but I didn't release him. I then reached out further to the Force, imagining his heart was crushed into a million pieces. He let out a gasp before his head, fell back.

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