Chapter 16: Back To Corellia

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Once we were in space, I took the child into his room, which was the same compartment in the cargo hold. Ani and Kaytia joined me. Kaytia sat beside me, while Ani's head lied in my lap.

"Mom, can you sing the lullaby?" Kaytia questioned. "The one you would always sing to me?"

I smiled. "Of course, sweetheart."

"When tomorrow comes, I'll be on my own. Feeling frightened of the things that I don't know. When tomorrow comes...Tomorrow comes. And though the road is long, I look up to the sky. And in the dark I found, I lost hope that I won't fly. And I sing along, and I sing along. I got all I need when I got you and I. I look around me, and see a sweet life. I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight." I began. "You're getting me, getting me through the night. Kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes. Can't lie, it's a sweet life. I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight. You're getting me, getting me through the night. 'Cause you're my flashlight. You're my flashlight. You're my flashlight."

In a matter of seconds, the child had fallen asleep in his bed. But he wasn't the only one who had fallen asleep. Kaytia had fallen asleep, leaning her head back against the wall, while Ani fell asleep on my lap. I slowly and gently moved him until his head lied on Kaytia's lap. Once I got up, I saw Din standing by the ladder. My face heated up. How long had he been there? Noticing that the child, Ani, and Kaytia were asleep, Din motioned with his head to go up to the cockpit. I nodded. With that, I followed Din up to the cockpit where we could talk. Din sat down in the pilot's seat, while I sat behind him. We remained silent for what felt like hours, unsure of what to say. Then out of nowhere, Din turned his seat around to face me.

"You have a beautiful voice, Delmira." He commented.

My face heated up at his words. "Thanks."

"I didn't know you had a child." Din mentioned.

"Not people know about her." I informed him.

"Who's the father?" Din asked, sounding bitter.

I winced upon hearing his tone. I knew this might happen if he found out about Kaytia. Well, might as well tell him the entire truth.

"She doesn't have one." I replied.

At my words, Din looked back up at me. I could sense his emotions of relief and confusion. I let out a deep breath, gaining the courage to continue. "Kaytia is my clone. When I was only sixteen, my father was experimenting with clones on Kamino. But they weren't like the clones from the Clone Wars. My father was able to create a clone unlike anything ever created. He created a clone from my DNA, and this clone aged normally. And because she was my clone, she was just as powerful as me."

"She was the only clone to be Force-sensitive, all other clones were unable to use the they were killed off. My father named my clone, Darth Jinx and she was kept as a secret from almost everyone. At first, I was distant and cold with her, not wanting anything to do with her." I continued. "But as the years went by, I grew to care for her as a daughter. And so when the Empire fell, I gave her a new name: Kaytia Padmé Skywalker."

Once I finished, I glanced up at Din, waiting for him to say something. After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke. "So she doesn't know she's a clone?"

I shook my head. "No, she doesn't. And I'd prefer it if she didn't. I don't know how she'll act if she knows the truth."

Din then placed a hand over mine. "Don't worry, Delmira. I won't tell her anything."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Din."

Din gave me a small nod. "I'd like you and Kaytia to become part of my clan, my family. That is...if you would like."

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