Chapter 26: Arguments & Old Friends

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I gave Bo-Katan a smile and a nod, which she returned. With that, Din, Ani, and I made our way out of the freighter. Once we were outside, I scooped Ani into my arms. Despite our argument back inside the freighter, he wrapped his arms around me before using the jetpack to fly into the air. 

As soon as we reached the frog couple's place, Din knocked on the door. The door then opened, and we saw Selba, Kaytia, and the frog couple sitting around a table, where a bowl with a tadpole swam around. Selba played with the tadpole as Kaytia watched in fascination.

"Thank you for watching them. Okay, kids. Come on." Din urged.

Kaytia groaned. "Aww, do we have to?"

"Yes, our business here on Trask is done." I added.

"It's time to go." Din advised.

Din then grabbed Selba as Kaytia stood up, walking over towards us. Once Din grabbed Selba, I could feel his sadness and disappointment as he let out a whine. Din glanced over at the frog couple. "Congratulations."

"Congratulations to the both of you and thanks again for watching them." I added.

As we walked out of their room, Selba baffled a few words as he looked up at Din. Din shook his head. "No, I have enough pets."

With that, we walked out of the inn and towards the docks, back to the landing bay, where the Razor Crest stood along with the Mon Calamari that was in charge of fixing the ship. He approached us as soon as we reached the landing bay. I grimaced as soon as I saw the Razor Crest. The poor ship looked a mess.

"Well, what do you think?" He inquired.

"I gave you a thousand credits, this was the best you could do?" Din questioned.

In response, the Mon Calamari raised his datapad. And reluctantly without arguing, Din tapped the screen, agreeing that the Razor Crest was his and he got in back in good condition...or well in a better condition than we arrived. Once we made our way into the ship, Kaytia made her way up the ladder into the cockpit. Din was about to follow her, when he noticed I plopped down on the ground of the cargo hold.

"You're not coming up?" He asked, tilting his helmet.

"I'm staying down here for now." I replied, not looking up at him.

Din let out a sigh. He then turned his back towards me before he walked over towards the ladder. He then glanced over in my direction, and I thought he was going to apologize, but I was wrong.

"Ani, you coming?" He inquired.

I looked over Ani, who looked back and forth between Din and me, unsure of which way to go. I did my best to hide my pain as I fought back tears, Din's harsh words still in the back of my head. However, I forgot that Ani and Selba could feel my pain through the Force. Ani whimpered as he rushed over to me.

"Traitor..." Din mumbled.

He then walked up the ladder with Selba, who was whining in his arms. Ani tried his best to comfort me, placing his head down in my lap. He continued to whimper as I ran a hand through his brown fur. Fortunately the wound in my arm had healed, but I feared that I had another wound deep within me, one which I wasn't sure could ever be healed. I couldn't believe what Din had said. My heart clenched as I thought of what Din told me before we left Corellia.

"Mom, can I go into the water?" Kaytia inquired, sitting next to me.

I chuckled. "Sure, just make sure you can keep an eye on the child."

Kaytia's smile widened as she shot up from the ground. She then ran off towards the ocean. I then felt someone sit down in the sand beside me. I glanced over to see Din sitting next to me. I gave him a smile. He gave me a nod in response. We then sat in silence as we watched Ani, Kaytia, and the child play around in the water.

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