Chapter 47: Hold On

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Reluctantly, Bo-Katan stepped aside. Din gave one last look at Bo-Katan before running out of the bridge. Without thinking twice, Din took a TIE fighter from one of the docking bays to Hanna City. Back in the bridge, Bo-Katan, Axe, and Koska exchanged a look. They've come too far to put this on hand. 

"We're going need all the help we can get. And having a Jedi, can help us." Axe pointed out. "We can wait a little longer." 

Bo-Katan's shoulders slumped, letting out a sigh. Axe may be onto something. Delmira would be a wise ally to have. Bo-Katan nodded. "You're right. We can wait a little longer...for Delmira."

And with Delmira by Din's side, he could finally be focused on the mission at hand. Bo-Katan could tell Din was distracted lately. She may have been a little harsh on Din. He cared about his people, but currently his heart was set on returning to Delmira. He had seen that kind of love before...with her own sister, Satine and the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Realizing Axe and Koska were looking at her, waiting for Bo-Katan, she shook her head, returning to the matter at hand. 

Once Din was inside Chandrila's atmosphere, two X-wings flew behind the TIE fighter. A female voice contacted Din through the comm unit of the TIE fighter. "TIE/In starfighter, you have ten seconds to identity yourself."

Din knew that he had to inform them that he wasn't with the Empire or there was a chance he'd be shot down. So he said the first thing that came to his mind. 

"I'm not with the Empire..." Din began.

Din mentally cursed. Because they'd totally believe him as he flew a TIE fighter. Real smooth, Din. He quickly rummaged through his mind, searching for an answer, and Delmira's face appeared. He then took a deep breath before trying again.

"I'm a friend of Delmira, Delmira Skywalker...and Luke Skywalker." Din mentioned.

There was silence for a few moments, making Din anxious. Did they believe him? The woman spoke up. "You're clear to land. Head to Docking Platform E-22."

Din let out a sigh of relief before making his to the platform. Once he landed in the Docking Platform E-22, he noticed a woman standing outside on the docking platform, the woman looked much like Delmira. No doubt she was Leia, Delmira's sister. Next to her stood Ben, who was just a toddler, Ani, another anooba, which happened to be Padmé, and Farris, the Miraluka boy. 

Upon seeing the toddler, he realized that must've been Ben, Delmira's nephew, which Delmira had mentioned to him. As soon as Din saw the boy and the other anooba, he was baffled. Who were they? Din climbed out of the TIE fighter, making his way towards Leia and the others. As soon as Din approached them, Leia spoke up. "Din Djarin?"

Din gave her a nod, confirming it was him. Ani wagged his tail, recognizing Din. He placed a hand on his head, giving him a gentle pat. "Hey Ani." 

Din then raised his helmet to look at Leia. A small smile appeared on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes, which had dark circles, red, and puffy. No doubt she had been crying. 

"Luke told me you were coming. I'll take you to her." Leia mentioned. 

Din nodded. With that, Leia led them to the medcenter in Hanna City. The medcenter was filled with medical droids and doctors, roaming around from room to room. Outside of the rooms were clear transparisteel glass windows, allowing guests to look at their loved ones that lied on their beds or in bacta tanks. 

With every step, he took, Din grew more anxious, afraid of seeing Delmira's condition. After a long maze of turning through endless hallways, they finally arrived outside Delmira's room. The door was shut and there was a giant transparisteel window, showing Delmira lying in a bacta tank with breathing tubes. Her face looked deathly pale. 

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