An intruder, speaking to Jake and reluctantly working together.

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An intruder, speaking to Jake and reluctantly working together.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

I enjoyed spending time with Damon but now I've got probably a very unhappy vampire boyfriend to deal with. Bella and I are heading home together and it's awkwardly silent but its progress.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

"You okay?" Bella asks as she drives us home and I stare outside of the side window.

I glance at her before turning back towards the window. I cannot help but still feel a little annoyed about the way she has acted towards me ever since Edward returned.

"Yeah," I tell her before deciding to change the subject. "Why didn't you tell me about imprinting?"

She glances at me now and then she shrugs.

"When I first found out....," she begins and she is clearly trying to find the right words. "Was just before you.... before the Cullen's came back. Ever since we haven't exactly been on the best speaking terms. But Jake is in my opinion my soul mate."

I decide to try and speak my mind.

"So you believe in soul mates and destined to be together?" I ask her and she nods. "Then why is it so hard for you to believe that Edward is my soul mate?"

She goes quite. I probably should leave her to think about it.

We pull into our drive and head out.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

We come into the house and I do not like how quite it is. Then Charlie comes out from the living room.

"You know Jake and Edward could at least respect meal times," he says but I can tell the comment is mainly aimed at me.

"Actually Bella and I went together to see Jake and Damon," I inform him and imply that we had come home together.

"Oh," he says but I can tell he is so glad to hear that. Not good at hiding your emotions Charlie. "Good. Glad you are spending time together..." he stops just as their is a knock at the door and I glance at it and out of the corner of my eye I see Bella is watching me. I move towards the door before glancing at Charlie. "I'll just give you two some privacy then... you coming Bells?"

Bella still has her eyes on me. "I'll be along in a minute."

Once Charlie is gone I nod at bella.

"It's okay," I say gently and she begins to move towards the stairs as their is another knock.

"Be careful," she whispers before heading up the stairs.

I open the door to see a frantic Edward stood there and he looks only slightly less worried as he sees me.

"Hey," I tell him.

"Do you understand how worried I've been?" He asks sounding annoyed now.

I glance down. "I was perfectly safe."

"I almost broke the treaty to make sure-" he begins but for some reason he cuts off and I remember the smell.

I begin to take off my coat.

"I know I smell like a dog, sorry," I begin wanting to make him more comfortable.

"No something's wrong," he says and without a word he enters the house and walks up the stairs.

"Excuse me!" I hear Bella yell as he goes further up. I go up to see Bella at the top of the stairs and she is glaring at me. "Bit of warning he's coming up next time please. He nearly scared me half to death."

Elena Swan in EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now