Talking to Damon and back to the meadow.

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Talking to Damon and back to the meadow.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

I am on way to Billy's, I am worried about Damon but at least his uncle's house is closer than his home, Carlisle should also be there by now.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

I slam onto the breaks outside of Jake and Billy's house. I see the wolves, Billy and Carol all outside. Everyone looks at my truck as I throw open the door and force my way out. Bella is also there and Jake is hugging her to his side.

"Hey-" I begin to ask how he is but I am cut off by an ear-piercing scream of agony.

Oh god Damon!

Carol flinches and Billy holds his sisters hand. More screams come. What the hell is Carlisle doing to him?

My mouth drops open and I stare at the others.

"It's been going on for a while," Quill says grimly from besides the door.

"Doc's rebreaking his bones," Embry explains sounding upset.

"Why did he have to butt in?" Leah says but I can tell she is masking her worry. "I could've taken that tick-"

"Oh give it a rest Leah!" Paul snaps at her and she shuts up but glares at him.

Carol glares at her. The door finally opens and Carlisle and Sam step out. Carlisle begins to speak.

"The worst is over," he explains and Bella sighs in relief. "He'll be all right. I gave him some morphine but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back soon to set up a drip."

Billy holds out his hand as Carlisle comes towards him. "Thank you."

Carlisle shakes his hand and then Carol's.

"He's asking for you," he tells me as he turns to see I am stood there.

I glance at Billy and Carol who both nod so I head into the house.

Damon looks terrible. He is sweating like mad as his body is burning off the morphine and his right side is littered with bandages. I immediately feel sorry for him.

"Hey 'D'," I say and he glances at me.

"Hey," he says breathing heavily.

Until now I was stood outside of his room but I step into it now. I lean down on the floor next to him so I can look at him properly and he doesn't have to move to look at me.

"I was worried about you," he tells me.

I look shocked. "You were worried about me?"

"I guessed Edward had read my thoughts and he knew how much I cared for you," he explains to me in a gentle tone. "I was worried he'd think you had the same feelings and would get upset. Even though today you made it very clear that there isn't anything between us anymore."

"He wasn't like that at all," I promise him in a gently tone. "He wasn't mad, at me or you, he understood why we said what we said."

"Damn!" He says sounding defeated. "He's better than I thought... but I also wanted to apologise El..."

I shake my head. "You have nothing to apologise for!"

"Actually I do," he says and I can tell he is genuinely talking. "I've tried to force you to relive your feelings and it wasn't fair. And yes I will always love you but now it is more as a friend... and as a friend I will fight for your life..."

I nod. "Till my heart stops beating!"

He seems to hesitate. "Maybe... maybe even after."

I get to my feet. "Should I come back?"

He smiles a little. "As my mum says... you're always welcome."

I smile back before leaving so everyone else can see him for a bit.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

The next day Edward and I head to our meadow to discuss things. He is laying on his back and I am leaning over him.

"August thirteenth," he repeats when I tell him my desired date for our wedding.

"Yeah," I confirm. "It's a month before mine and Bella's birthday. I don't need to be another year older than you. Alice said she can get the wedding together by than."

He chuckles. "I'm sure she can. There's no rush."

I squint my eyes and look down. To me there is.

"I've chosen my life," I remind him. "I want to start living it."

"And so you're gonna let Alice plan the whole thing?" He asks sounding like he thinks I am crazy. "The uh, the dress, the reception, the guest list. I mean who knows whos she's going to invite!"

I laugh. "Does it matter?"

He sits up and looks straight at me for a second before he answers.

"Just tell me why you're doing this?" He requests.

I sit up more.

"What the wedding?" I ask. Didn't he want to get married before I did?

"No," he replies and now I am confused. "You're trying to make everyone else happy. But you're already giving away too much."

I shake my head again.

"You're wrong," I say before standing up and he looks up at me as I continue to speak. "This wasn't a choice between you and Damon. It was between who I should be and who I am. I've always felt out of step... even more than Bella. It's like I am literally stumbling through my life. Because I am not normal.. that weird barrier thing proves that and I don't wanna be. I've had to face death... and loss and pain... in your world, but I've also never felt stronger... and more real, more myself. Because it's my world too. It's where I belong."

His smile grew more and more with each word I use. "So it's not just about me?"

"No," I say shaking my head and smirking, and as I am talking again, I sit down on his lap. "Sorry. I've made a mess, trying to figure this all out, but... I wanna do it right. And I wanna tie myself to you in every human way possible."

My face is really close to his now. He smiles again.

"Starting with a wedding," he states, not asking.

I look down. Even a wedding is worth the life I want. But there's something else I have to say.

"Actually..." I begin staring down still. "Something a little more difficult first. And maybe even dangerous," he looks confused and a little worried as I get to my feet. "We have to tell Charlie."

He looks down, nods and chuckles. "It's highly dangerous."

I nod. "Good thing your bullet proof... I'm gonna need that ring."

He gets to his feet and I stare at his hands as he pulls the ring out of his pocket. I then hold out my hand as he places the ring on my finger. I stare down at it as he takes my hand and then I look up at him.

I am ready to become his wife, his soul mate, and be with him for the rest of my life.



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