Training, Jasper's story and a nightmare that gives revelations.

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Training, Jasper's story and a nightmare that gives revelations.

Elena's POV (Opening thoughts)

Okay. My boyfriend is going to be training to fight a whole arms of new vampires, my sisters boyfriend and my ex want to help and so does his family. All to protect me. It does not make me happy and if these newborns are so viscous and evil... do I want to become one.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

As I am having breakfast Edward is sat across from me.

"You know this is crazy right," I tell him as I chew on my cereal. "Once again people are willing to put their lives at risk... for me. I'm not worth all this trouble."

He takes my hand. "You are to me!"

"And me," my twin says as she enters the room but leans against the door. "I know we've had our differences but I cannot bear to lose you... and I need a favor."

She says the last part to Edward and he looks up.

"What kind of favor?" He asks kindly.

"Jake is coming to this meeting with the wolves and he doesn't want me to come alone," she tells me and she looks genuinely hopeful. "I don't want to be left behind either... would you please let me ride with you two?"

Edward smiles at her. "Of course you can Bella. I'm taking a big truck and it's got more than enough room."

She smiles back and I can see a small... very small friendship building.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

We are driving through muddy terrain to an area near mine and Edward's meadow. We arrive at the place to see all the Cullen's there in clothes that are useful for fighting.

We park the truck and once I get out I hold the door open for Bella to climb out right after me.

Edward comes round and he is on one side of me with Bella on the other. As Edward grabs my hand he feels the bracelet that Damon got me on my wrist. He twists my wrist gently to see the wolf.

"It's a graduation present," I tell him.

Bella holds out her own wrist with a matching bracelet and I smile at her.

Everyone turns as the pack enters, looking alert and ready. Most of them are probably thinking that this is a trap.

"They don't trust us enough to be in human form," Edward says reading Sam's thoughts.

I glance at Carlisle who continues to look at them. "They came. That's what matters. Will you translate?"

Bella, still feeling awkward stares at the wolf form of her boyfriend and smiles. Damon turns to look at me.

"Hey D," I say gently to him.

Carlisle moves forward but respects the space of the wolves as Alice comes to my side and smiles at me. She then smiles kindly at Bella who gives her a small one in return.

"Welcome," Carlisle says as the wolves instinctively hunch their shoulders and bunch their teeth. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

Sam sends a look Edward's way as he shares his thoughts with him.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward tells Carlisle.

"They're a great deal stronger than us," Carlisle explains and Bella and I also listen to this new bit of information. "Because they're own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful, than in our first several months of this life."

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