Talking to Charlie, Edward explains his reasons and Damon makes a mistake.

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Talking to Charlie, Edward explains his reasons and Damon makes a mistake in front of Bella and Jake.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

I am worried about this newborn army. Why would someone target the Cullen's? I can only think of two people who would and they both share the same reason. To kill me.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

I walk into the house to see both Bella and Charlie sat at the table together. Bella is doing homework and Charlie is looking at something I cannot see.

"Hey," I say to both of them. "Have you guys had dinner yet?"

Bella shakes her head and smiles at me. "I've just put something on... hope you're hungry."

I nod honestly but Charlie, looks at me like he's only just realized I am in the room.

"Sorry I've been distracted," he says when he realizes what I said. "So no I haven't eat. It's this kid. Riley Biers, disappeared over a year ago. And his poor parents have been papering Seattle with these things ever since."

I begin to think about the fact I'll soon disappear.

"You think they should just give up?" I ask him and Bella looks up at me with a knowing look on my face.

He looks up at me and the look on his face is the most serious I have ever seen him have.

"I wouldn't," he says and I see Bella staring at me. "If it was either of you. Not ever."

He places a hand around my waist and we have a bit of a hug. Bella places her hand on top of his and gives him a slight smile.

Later on Bella and I head up the stairs.

"I saw the look you gave," she says and I turn to her. "You don't have to hurt him.... you don't have to be the next Riley biers."

I shake my head. "You wouldn't understand."

I then head into my room where as usual Edward is waiting for me.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

I am now laying down next to Edward, in his arms on my bed. The blanket my mum mad is between us to keep me from getting to cold against his skin.

"I have to figure out what to tell people," I tell him knowing he is the one person who will understand. "Why I won't be home for christmases, and why I won't visit. Why they'll never see me again."

Edward has to be cold about it. "After a few decades, everyone you know will be dead. Problem solved."

I glance at him. His words hurt more than he knows.

"Why are you so against me becoming like you?" I ask him wanting his honest opinion.

"I've told you," he says.

But I know he's dodging the truth. "Be honest with me. I know there's more."

I can see him considering if it's a good idea to tell me the truth. What is so hard about him being truthful?

"I know the consequences of this choice you're making," he tells me and I wait patiently for him to go on. "I've lived through it. And to let you suffer that... You believe I have a soul and I don't. But to risk yours, just for the sake of never having to lose you... that's the most selfish thing I'll ever do."

That's no where as bad as I had assumed was the reason he was against it.

"I thought..." I begin deciding to be truthful with him like he was with me. "that you were afraid I'd be too different. You know, like I wouldn't be... warm and I wouldn't smell the same."

He laughs at that a little.

"You'll always be my Elena," he promises me and this makes me feel alot better and he pulls my face towards him. We kiss deeply. When we pull away I cuddle into his chest and he places his arms around me. "My Elena just less fragile."

I chuckle at him as I prepare to go to sleep.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

next day, Damon and I have gone to a special place. Bella and Jake are meeting us later.

"Gosh it's so pretty here," I tell him as we walk along and I try to figure out how to bring up the party in a few weeks. "So, Alice has planned a big graduation party. Which you are invited to." He just gives me a look. "Yeah I figured that and its the same reaction as Jake and Bella." He just chuckles and so do I. I turn as he stops and I do not like the look on his face. "What?"

"Just wanted to do this differently," he says and I have a feeling I am not going to like what he has to say either. "Smoother. But now I'm out of time."

I blink rapidly. "Do what?"

"You need to hear the truth Elena," he tells me and I can see he is serious. "Understand all your options. And you need to know... That I'm still in love with you. And I want you to choose me instead of him."

I look down before glancing back up at him.

"I thought you understood," I say quietly, shaking my head and looking back down. "I don't feel that way about you anymore."

"I don't buy it," he says his voice beginning to rise.

"What don't you buy?" I question him trying to get him to see sense. "That's how I feel."

"You still feel something else for me," he accuses me. I won't admit this. I love Edward. "You just won't admit it. So I'm not giving up. I'm gonna fight to get you back. Until your heart stops beating."

I become blunt. "Well then you're not gonna have to fight for long."

"You're rushing into it 'cause you're worried you'll change your mind," he makes the wrong assumptions.

"No I'm not," I snap at him wanting to end this conversation. He Bella and Jake are just as bad as each other. "I know what I want."

"You wouldn't have to change for me, Elena," he steps closer to me as he says these words. Maybe a little too close. "Or say goodbye to anybody. I can give you more than him. I mean he probably can't even kiss you without hurting you." He takes my hand and places it on his warm chest and I can feel his heart pounding against my hand. It does feel weird... a heartbeat. "Feel that? Flesh and blood and warmth!"

I nod but begin to shake my head. I need to explain to him-

All of a sudden he is kissing me. I am in shock but I push him back with as much force as I can muster. He looks shocked but I feel a surge of rage as I raise my fist and punch him full on in the face.


I begin to groan as a sharp pain shoots up my wrist. It feels broken and I begin to groan more as I move around trying to get rid of the pain.

"ELENA!" Bella calls a second later and runs up to me. "Damon! Why would you do that?"

Jake is not far behind her and he takes a look at my wrist. "I think you need to get this looked at... It might be broken... let's get you to-"

"No!" I snap. "Take me home. Edward can pick me up and take me to Carlisle!"

I storm off towards the car.



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