Edward vs Damon and Jake, Carlisle bandages my wrist and Rosalie's story.

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Edward vs Damon and Jake, Carlisle bandages my wrist and Rosalie's story.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

My wrist is killing me, Bella is driving me home but Damon and Jake refuse to leave so they are in the back of the truck, I don't know how long before Edward will be here so Damon can leave and I am pissed.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

We arrive back at my house and I slam the car door as I get out Bella also gets out and the other two follow. I do not hear the car but Edward is suddenly in front of Damon, pure anger on his face as he shoves him back with his hands on his chest.

"EDWARD!" I warn as I try to get between them.

"If you ever touch her against her will again!" Edward growls at him.

"EDWARD Don't do this here!" I warn him not wanting to disturb Charlie.

Jake shoves Edward off of Damon. "GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!"

"She's not sure what she wants!" Damon says.

"STOP all of you!" Bella tells them as we try to get between the three.

"DON'T DO THIS HERE!" I yell again.

But my pleas fall on death ears as Edward side steps Jake and gets right into Damon's face. "Let me give you a clue. Wait for her to say the words!"

"Fine!" Damon agrees before glancing at me. "And she will."

"Jacob get him out of here okay!" I tell Jake who separates the two as he has a lot more force then me.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Charlie, who had heard a commotion from inside, comes out and gets between Edward and Damon and Jake keeps a hand on Jakes chest to try and keep him calm. "Easy guys easy! Let's take it down a notch. All right?" Charlie glances from Edward, to Jake and Damon. "What's going on?"

Edward glares at Damon who finally speaks after looking down. "I kissed Elena." Charlie looks shocked as he says this and Bella places her hand on my shoulder in comfort. "And she broke her hand... punching my face. Total misunderstanding,"

After a minute the guys leave and Charlie heads inside. Bella looks at me.

"I'm sorry," she says and I shake my head. "When Damon said he needed to talk to you I never imagined he'd do that."

I smile at her gently. "It's not your fault.... but I better get to Carlisle and get my wrist checked."

She nods and then hesitates before saying... "Say hello for me and Edward look after my twin."

Edward looks shocked for a second before nodding.

Maybe things will look up soon.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

Carlisle is now bandaging my wrist. Plus side... it's not broken.

"It's just a sprain," he informs me as I hold my wrist up, now pain free after some meds, while he bandages it, Edward is stood at my side. "Should heal fairly quickly."

Emmett and Jasper enter the room, probably just finished their shift on watching for Victoria.

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Elena?" Emmett jokes smirking at me.

I shake my head as I scoff. "I punched a werewolf in the face."

"Badass," Emmett nods leaning over the table to smile at me. "You're gonna be one tough little newborn."

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