Edward and I compromise, discussing the plan with damon

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Edward and I compromise, discussing the plan with Damon and a very awkward discussion with Charlie.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

Edward has just told me he does not want me at the battle. But if he thinks he's winning without a fight then he is sadly mistaken. I cannot sit out and possibly find out he died protecting me.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

Edward and I head out of the house but we are in the middle of a disagreement.

"I'm not just gonna hide while you're out taking all the risks for me," I tell him. "And Bella agrees. She has Jake to think about and I have you."

But my boyfriend is stubborn. "If it's Victoria involved, I need to keep you as far away from the fight as possible."

"Jasper said that we could be of help," I remind him of what his adopter brother said.

"We won't need your help," he informs me. "With the wolves in this it's an easy win. The rest of us aren't gonna have enough to do."

"Okay," I begin not understanding his logic. "Either its so dangerous that I have to hide. Or so easy that you're gonna be sidelined. Which is it?"

He smiles. "It's dangerous for you, easy for us!"

I'm gonna regret playing this card I know it.

"Well I think it's dangerous for us to be apart," I point out to him and he seems a little upset by this. "How many times do we have to prove that? I'll be worried, you'll be worried. And we'll both be more vulnerable."

He looks down as he considers this. "Okay, you're right."

"So, I'm coming with you?" I ask hoping for the right answer.

"No we both stay away together and with Bella so Victoria and the others don't use her to get to you," he says and I know Bella will still hate this idea as much as me.

I shake my head. "I can't ask you to choose between me and Bella and your own family."

"The only way I can protect you is to be with you," he tells me and in one way I know he is right and I love him even more for it.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

Later on Jasper, Edward and I meet up with Damon to discuss the plan to get me to a secure area where we will be meeting up with Jake and Bella.

"You're not fighting?" He says as he approaches the three of us mocking Edward. "Did you pull a muscle or something?"

I glare at him a little. "He's doing for me okay... and to watch Bella while Jake is fighting."

"Whatever!" He says rolling his eyes. "Just tell me the plan."

Jasper begins to speak first.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle," he tells him and we all look around at the wide field. "We need to lure the newborns with Elena's scent. But it needs to end here and only be hers as if there's too many scents they may not come. That's why Bella will be going a different way with your pack member Jacob."

"Edward and I are meeting Jake and Bella at a camp site," I explain to Damon what Bella and I had discussed earlier. "Even if he carries me they'll still pick up on our scent."

"Your stench however is revolting," Edward points out.

"Dude you really don't want to start comparing stinks," Damon says to him.

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