Tribe stories and discussing Newborns.

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Tribe stories and discussing newborns.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts

This is the part I had been dreading. Edward needs to hunt so I am going to go and spend some time with Damon. I don't want him to leave in one way.

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

arrive at the border between La push and Forks. Damon had agreed to meet us there with his bike. That way I didn't have to drive myself and Edward couldn't come to La Push so this is the only working alternative.

When we get out Damon is stood leaning against his bike. He patiently is waiting.

"Doesn't he or his cousin own a shirt?" Edward asks me with a smirk on his face.

We meet at the side of his car to say a proper goodbye. I glance at Damon before turning back to Edward.

"I'm good here," I tell him not wanting to make things more awkward. "You should go."

"I'm not gonna be gone long," he promises me.

But I don't want him to starve because of me. "Don't rush. You need to hunt."

I glance at Damon again and when I turn back Edward is leaning towards me and we begin to kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and the kiss deepens. He just had to make it harder for me to leave him. Doesn't he!

"Maybe rush a little bit," I tell him when we seperate.

I turn away from him before I change my mind and head towards Damon.

"Hey beautiful," he says to me as he stops leaning on his bike and moves towards me.

"Hi," I reply and we hug with his arms around my shoulders and I feel his hot skin warming me.

As we pull apart, Edward had started the car and began to drive off. When he has gone Damon turns to me and sighs a little.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asks me and then lists some options. "Bike, hike, just hang. It's your choice. But we're going to a party tonight."

*Elena Swan in Eclipse*

This is a party? Not like any I know and Alice would not see this as a party, No music, no decorations.

Damon is now wearing a t-shirt as we walk towards the other wolves and Billy, Eliza (Damon's mum) Sue clearwater and Quill's grandad also named Quill Aterra.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask Damon a little unsure. "I really hate being a party crasher."

"I told him that," I hear my twin's voice say and I turn to see both her and Jake approaching us arm in arm.

"And I reminded her that technically you're a council meeting crasher," Jake says rolling his eyes. "See? There's the council leaders. Aunt Eliza, Dad quill's grandpa and Sue clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died."

"Okay I should not be here," I whisper to the three feeling out of place.

"You're okay," Damon says turning to me. "I thought... I mean they thought it'd be good for you to hear the histories... Bella's here to hear them as well."

"The histories?" I question and then I go wide eyed when I figure it out. "The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?"

"We all got a role to play," Damon tells us. "And you're part of this. It's the first time Seth, Leah and Quill'll hear em too. But you and Bella are the first outsiders ever."

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