thirty six

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Billie crawled, undignified out of the underground entrance. Finn had disappeared hours ago to go be a momma's boy, not bothered about Billie anymore. Apparently, the time in which she could have foiled the original witch's plan had passed and she was free to leave. 

Although he never gave her back her phone.

She'd spent what felt like an hour walking towards the path set out for her by clairvoyance, huffing and puffing her way along in the cold night, covered in a dark leather jacket and the pretty blue dress that was probably now ruined from excessive hiking.

She arrived at the familiar witch house just in time to witness Esther and Finn, surrounded by a pentagram of burnt out torches disappear into thin air seconds before they were due to be mauled by Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Damon.

They stood in frustrated silence. They had no way of knowing where she'd gone and when she'd try to kill them next. Billie was about to make herself known when Kol spotted her. "I was wondering where you'd run off to."

She smiled humbly. "You can thank Finn for that." Her attention turned to Damon, expression blank as she threw her arms up incredulously, letting them fall again to her sides, fingers curling around the slightly too long sleeves.

"Hell of a rescue party you sent." Damon, although wearing a stormy expression, still found the snark in him to reply. "Well, you look just fine to me, Blue."

Billie sighed, looking at the salt pentagram drawn at the foot of of the burnt down manor. She wondered if anything would have gone differently had she been there. Before Billie could comment or apologise for her absence, Stefan emerged from inside the house.

It took a second for Billie to register the body in his arms and the sobbing Bennett witch behind him.

The clairvoyant hadn't been entirely sure if she was wanted around, especially since Bonnie knew Caroline and Elena so much more than she knew Billie. But when they'd caught eyes that night Damon turned her mother into a vampire, Bonnie ran right into Billie's arms.

Billie had never even met Abby before. She hadn't been there when Bonnie had first gone to see her and it felt strange being one of the only four people allowed in her house while she was going through the most traumatic time of her life.

Bonnie said she didn't want to see Elena. She didn't blame her for what happened, but it was difficult to face the fact that her mother died so Elena could live. Another added to a long list of people before her who had died for the same reason.

The upside was that she had come back, but even though Billie hadn't known the woman before, she could see that Abby Bennett had become a shell of who she once was.

Without her magic, she wandered around her house, watching in pain as her plants died and her son grew more and more distant from her.

The door rang and Billie stood up off the couch to go answer, leaving Caroline, Bonnie and Jamie playing a dead game of scrabble in the living room.

She  pulled open the door, letting in the cool breeze and the hot sun to see Elena. Billie stiffened a little, casting a glance behind her shoulder to the others. "Hey, Elena." Billie greeted politely, a little nervous knowing that she would have to break it to Elena her best friend didn't want to see her.

"Billie?" Elena breathed with a frown of confusion. She shook her head of her own thoughts. "Is Bonnie around?" The brunette tried to peer over Billie's shoulder into the house, but Billie knew it would be worse if she caught eyes with the witch.

Harper pursed her lips awkwardly, stepping forward and closing the door behind her as though she was about to tell her mom she'd bunked school. "She's inside but..." Billie found it difficult to meet her eyes. It felt wrong having to tell her this when she was probably a lot better friends with Caroline. Not to mention that Billie and Elena didn't always see eye to eye.

Elena bored holes in her eyes, instantly suspicious. "But what? What's wrong Billie?" She asked her impatiently.

Billie cast one last look behind her before she started to carefully put together her sentence. "Bonnie... she's just focusing on helping her mom right now a-and she doesn't blame you!" Billie reassured, continuing nervously. "It's just a little difficult for her to see you when her mom got turned into a vampire to..." 

She ripped her eyes away from Elena to fidget with her tattered blue jumper. "Well, to save... you, Elena."

Billie watched apprehensively as realisation slowly flooded the doppelganger's honey brown eyes, quickly followed by sadness. "Oh..." Quietly, Elena shouldered her bag and Billie took it as an opportunity to try cheer her up just a little.

"Elena... Bonnie doesn't hate you. You're one of her best friends." Elena looked into the clairvoyant's hazel gaze, a little bitterness creeping in through the edges. "I think you just need to give her a little time?"

Elena nodded distractedly to Billie's suggestion, peering behind her one last time before turning wordlessly down the steps and walking back to her car.

On a second thought, she whirled on her feet, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "Just... tell her I said sorry." A spectrum of emotions crossed her face before she climbed into her car and drove away.

Billie stood quietly at the door, feeling guilty beyond measure. She took a moment to herself before pulling open the front door behind her.

As she closed the door again, Billie met eyes with Bonnie who stood silently against the wall with crossed arms, having heard the whole thing.

They were quiet, unsure of what to say to one another. Billie didn't expect an explanation of any sort and the look in Bonnie's tired eyes made her think the witch thought she did.

She stepped forward towards the Bennett, pausing for the smallest of moments before wrapping her arms around her shoulders, letting her friend bury her head into her shoulder, giving her as much comfort as Billie thought she was able to give.

A bit of a filler chapter, I'm sorry everyone. there might be a few typos here and there because i wrote this one on my phone (my laptop's broken and I'm living in misery if you didn't know) so if you find any typos, point them the fuck out :)

i wasn't planning on updating till i got my computer fixed but i felt bad soooooo. adios ✌🏽

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