twenty eight

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"I got your text, what's wrong? Are you ok?"

Caroline quickly fired questions at the clairvoyant with a prominent frown between her brows as Billie leaned heavily on the shopping cart with a happy sort of relaxation. "Why does something always have to be wrong? Relax Care! It's your birthday, the most wonderful time of the year." She sang out the last part like Christmas had come early and Caroline couldn't stop the little giggle that escaped her lips, despite her earlier worries.

"And, since it is your birthday, I have decided to take you out." Billie bumped shoulders with the vampire as she crossed  her arms, the looseness and carefree nature of the clairvoyant slowly rubbing off on her friend as she worked her undeniable charm on her.

Caroline snapped out of it, observing their surroundings with critical eyes and gesturing incredulously at the large sign. "You're taking me to Walmart for my birthday?"

Billie never dropped the hint of a smile at the corner of her lips as she shrugged, already beginning to move towards the entrance. "I needed some groceries."

The duo cruised lazily down the aisles, Billie raiding the shelves for junk and random salty foods. Occasionally letting her feet lift off the ground, leaning entirely on the cart like a child. Caroline had begun to take notice of the obscene amount of items in their cart, knowing it would be a little expensive, but Billie didn't seem to mind.

"So, what are we eating tonight, oh ancient one." Billie asked as she arrived at the drinks section, holding up a bottle of vodka and tequila in under one arm, and a bottle of rosé in the other hand.

"First of all, you're older than I am, ancient one." "And secondly?" The blonde laughed a little before she spoke. "Rosé? Really?" Billie shrugged at the choice. "Yeah! You got a problem blondie?" She teased her easily and Caroline only shook her head with a smile, hands up in surrender. "Never pegged you for the type."

Billie laughed with her softly, observing the bottle in her hand. "While in Brooklyn, I've acquired quite the taste for fine wines." She admitted, turning her nose up a little like an entitled aristocrat.

The vampire wore a look of serene doubt and Billie caved after a moment. "You're right I do miss the cheap shit."

They raided the next aisle of candies, all the while Caroline stayed mostly quiet, until she finally broke her silence as they approached the till. "So... you were in Brooklyn, huh." She seemed a little too polite to really come out and say what was on her mind and Billie wasn't in the most inquisitive mood.

She figured, even if Billie herself hadn't told Caroline a whole bunch about her old life, word got around through the others and she probably had the basic gist of things. "Yeah... and before you ask, I don't know why I went it just... happened."

The vampire nodded softly, not daring push too hard as they started loading the cart onto the belt leisurely. "That's okay, it's out of your system now." She turned to Billie with an understanding smile, even though she hadn't experienced the same things as the girl beside her, Caroline had a way of making her think she wasn't alone in her little boat after all. Billie smiled back genuinely.

As the blonde packed the last item onto the line, she stilled very suddenly, turning to Billie with narrowed eyes. "Wait a minute, why exactly did you call me here?" The cashier started scanning the goods.

Billie shrugged suspiciously. "I wanted to hang out with my favourite control freak." She smiled to Caroline, only receiving a glare in return. The till worker was almost done.

The clairvoyant finally let up. "Okay fine, that wasn't it." The vampire gestured for her to continue, quickly getting impatient. "See, despite the fact that I'm a... borderline alcoholic." She easily ignored the look sent her way at the massive understatement. "I'm not actually legal yet, so...." 

The cashier had finished scanning, having just about to ask for the girl's ID before he caught the last part of her words, sighing heavily as he towed the multiple bottles out of their pile. Billie cast an eye to the side, watching her babies taken away from her as she sent Caroline her best pleading puppy eyes.

It took her a moment of stubborn resilience, but she finally gave in. "Ugh, fine!" 

She turned to the worker, pupils manipulating hypnotically. "Just scan them, we're not underage." She lied tiredly, leaning back away from the counter as her words were obeyed.

Once they stood outside and Caroline helped Billie load the obscene amount of groceries into the blonde's car, the clairvoyant paused for a moment, hands on her drinks. "Hey Care."

The girl looked up as Billie smiled happily, holding up the bottles. "Happy birthday!"

"Did somebody say shots!" Billie approached the crypt, catching only the very last part of the conversation from inside, which actually did not mention shots. 

Entering the dark little enclosure, she was greeted with little smiles around the room, but otherwise the atmosphere was about as depressing as the graveyard around them. "I brought friends! Everybody, meet Yuri and Juan." She gestured to the bottles of vodka and tequila with a sort of enthusiasm that the others couldn't help but respond to, soft cheers echoing from around the crypt.

She propped the bottles onto a stand in the centre of the room for everyone to help themselves, pouring a more than socially acceptable amount into one red solo cup and fetching another for Caroline. Elena had sent her a text telling her where they'd be and some much needed context. 

Billie handed the birthday girl her drink, bowing slightly like she were royalty. "Condolences, Ms. Forbes." She heavily dropped onto a seat to the side.

"Sorry I missed the eulogy, some kid tried to tell me I couldn't bring drinks onto the bus. Had to bribe her with a little bit of Yuri." 

Elena and Bonnie almost instantly opened their mouths to protest her actions strongly and Billie quickly raised her hands in surrender. 

"Relax! She was at least twelve."

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