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Billie closed her eyes with a silent huff as her phone rang for the third time, the irritating tone gnawing on her ears. Pulling out the device as she walked, Billie sighed, seeing the same name. He wanted to check up on her, she understood, but she just wanted to be alone for a little while. 

She hadn't prepared herself to see Stefan again. Billie had thought about him yes, but for some reason, her head hadn't able to fathom the idea that she might have to face him after what he'd done. So when his familiar voice rung from behind her like a reminder of a traumatic nightmare, she just had to leave.

The phone continued to buzz and screech in her palm and Billie finally picked up, eyes down, kicking a stone along the empty road. "Billie, where the hell did you go?"

"Damon, I'm sorry, I'm sure whatever was going on was important and all that crap." Billie paused, sighing as she figured her words seemed unnecessarily bitchy and mean. She wasn't mad at him. "I don't know why I didn't expect him to be there..." The admission was quiet, and Billie could hear the regretful sigh on the other line.

Harper could tell from the small, uncertain syllables that escaped the vampire's throat that he didn't know what to say to that, so she replied for him. "I'm sorry I left." Billie apologised sincerely this time. "I can't be around him when he's..." 

"An insensitive dick? Yeah, it's okay." Damon finished for her, surprisingly understanding about how she felt. He paused for a moment to build up his words. "You gonna be alright, Blue?" The sincerity in his tone shocked her for a second before she easily reverted back to her usual lie, knowing there was no way she could have said with a straight face to him in person. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." 

Damon quickly cleared his throat and continued the conversation away from the heavy topic. He explained to her Mikael, Klaus' vampire-vampire-hunter dad, and his shock arrival to town. Rebekah apparently couldn't be trusted with their plan and had to be daggered. 

Billie frowned a bit at that one. Granted Rebekah had a tough exterior, but she followed through with her promises. She didn't agree with what they'd done to her but in all honesty, she was a little afraid of what the blonde original would do once they took the dagger out of her heart.

"So... Klaus is coming back into town, huh." Billie reiterated, a little shiver going through her at the thought. It had been a relatively relaxing stay without his presence but all good things come to an end. "Sounds fun, can't wait."

"That's right, so save your blackout alcoholism till this is over. I might even come with you next time." He tempted himself playfully and Billie laughed, the idea of being free from Klaus lifting a weight from her shoulders she hadn't even realised she carried.

It took her another half hour of leisurely walking to show up outside the Mystic Grill and by that time her stomach was rumbling impolitely for food. Complying to it's demands, she pushed open the door, breathing in the relaxing atmosphere and taking a seat while she sat patiently for a waiter to come by. 

While she waited, Billie took the time to think to herself. She hadn't said anything to Damon, but the entire time he'd been detailing their plan about murdering the hybrid, her vision had flashed a suspicious dark shade. It had only happened once before when Elena was taken by Rose. 

Except back then, she had no idea what that meant, nor what they were getting themselves into. According to her infuriatingly vague head, killing Klaus was somehow a bad idea. But how could she say that to Damon, to Elena. They would never listen to her.

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