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Billie arched a shapely brow as she finally took notice of her mismatched shoes while taking them off at the entrance to the Salvatore house. "What the..."

Damon threw her a smirk as he passed her, having failed to mention it on their way over, waiting for her to finally figure it out. She paused before shrugging in acceptance, putting down the vastly different shoes and sliding her socks on the polished wood floor, too tired and brutally hung over to pick her feet up all the way.

She breathed in the iconic air of the vampire's home, a smile coming to her face at the comfort it brought her. "One of these days, I might just move in." A hoot of amusement escaped his throat catching Billie's attention.

"Blue, your life expectancy is already pitiful as it is." Damon quipped sarcastically as he began climbing the staircase with Billie in suit. She scoffed at his words, not having the energy to debate something she was knew was true.

"You make a valid point..." Harper beamed humbly, drumming her fingers along the banister as she sashayed happily upwards. "I suppose that means you should cherish the little time I have left. I'm quite lovable I hear... you might even miss me." Billie teased the vampire, not at all bothered by the prospect of not having a solid future in front of her. She'd already paid her due worry, this part was more fun she'd realised.

Billie expected him to throw back a witty remark, but it took him a few seconds before he spoke again, seemingly deep in thought. "We'll see about that" He finally said, almost too quietly for her ears to catch. Billie stopped for a split-second at the top of the staircase, looking over at his retreating figure as he continued to his destination.

She hadn't thought very much about what everyone else would feel about the prospect of her not being around forever. Damon kept his head down as he walked, the air around him seeming somewhat darker after he'd spoken. Was she being insensitive about this? One could argue you were allowed to be insensitive about your own demise, but with the odd way Damon had reacted, she started to doubt her original outlook on the idea.

In all honesty, Billie never thought anyone would mind all too much if she spontaneously died one day. She'd been stuck in the mindset ever since her parents stopped trying to be nice about their eagerness to get rid of her. Her friends in her old school were the kind to post all about it for an hour until they quickly moved on to the next story.

She realised just how cold of an existence she'd lived before coming to Mystic Falls. But was it really any different here? Billie looked to see where Damon was, seeing that he'd disappeared from her view. It can't have been urgent she thought as Billie moved to sit down on one of the lower, cushioned windowsills overlooking the Salvatore estate.

Thinking cynically, Billie began to recognise how much easier her aunt Georgie's life would have been without her. She'd only brought the woman stress and unease ever since she'd appeared on her front door. Her friends, in Billie's mind would probably just be bummed no one was around to stop them doing anything stupid anymore.

No. I can't think like that, Billie reminded herself adamantly, working quickly on getting her heartrate down again and relaxing. She was thrown back to Brooklyn, the overwhelming depression she'd felt about practically every part of her life.

The clairvoyant had somewhat hoped those feelings would disappear when she'd moved away, wiped the slate all the way, but she was beginning to realise new places didn't mean as much as she thought they should.

Billie quickly jumped back to her feet, tearing her eyes away from the landscape outside the window and seeking out Damon again. She enjoyed being by herself, but Billie knew that being alone meant being alone with her thoughts, and these days, there was almost nothing worse.

Peaking into the first room she stumbled upon, Billie gasped softly at the very obvious body on the floor, covered by a flimsy white sheet. She narrowed her eyes at the smallest tuft of blonde hair barely showing from under the covering and the suspiciously knife like object from what she guessed was a certain original.

"Either of you wanna tell me what the hell this is?" Billie asked out from the doorway, spotting a head of brunette hair swinging in shock towards her and the soft features of Elena looking startled.

"Oh, Billie, I'm glad you're here." She breathed out in relief, probably expecting someone else with the way her shoulders stayed incredibly tense and her eyes flicked uncertainly behind her, like she was worried about another newcomer.

"Yeah, pleasantries and all that. Why would you dagger Rebekah?" She cut straight to the chase, really not in the mood to find out what kind of angry vampire the original was. Well, there was only one, and it involved lots of death.

Billie felt another presence appear at her back, leaning casually against the doorframe and smiling emotionlessly at the others. "Haven't you heard? We're gonna kill Klaus." He chirped with excitement, not at all disturbed by the abruptly erratic beating of the clairvoyant's heart at the sound of his voice.

Billie briefly met eyes with Damon from across the room as her entire posture turned rigid and tense like a brick wall. She could see his electric gaze flickering uncertainly from between his brother and her, waiting for her reaction.

Without looking at Stefan even once, Billie turned right back around, walking out of the room swiftly, practically running down the stairs.

She was out the front door before another word could be said.

The room stood still for a long moment, the two vampires and Elena silent after the scene, hearing Billie slamming the front door shut after her. The careless, cocky smile never left Stefan's lips, the emptiness behind his eyes creating unease for everyone who looked at him. The emotionless Salvatore finally broke the silence in an unfittingly upbeat voice.

"Well I think that went pretty well."


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