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"Kill them."

Billie bolted from where she sat anxiously on the bottom bleachers, stepping forward instantly in alarm. Her gaze scurried in a panic over to Alex and Dana who pushed themselves to their feet, their hands still joined. Alex met her eyes and for the first time that night, she didn't avert them. 

She couldn't let him die.

Stefan hesitated, looking between the two he had been told to murder and the woman he would hurt most by doing so. He couldn't do that to Billie, the only one that had kept him tethered to his humanity, reminded him of everything worth feeling for. It was obvious she had fallen deeply in love with Alex and a summer away from him had done nothing to change that as far as he had seen.

"What are you waiting for? Kill them." Klaus repeated, prodding his former friend's supposed loyalty with a testing face, practically begging Stefan to disobey.

Elena stood straight behind the hybrid, wavering confidence in her pleading tone. "No! Stefan don't, he's not gonna hurt me. He already said t-" Klaus sped in a blur towards her, striking the brunette hard and fast across the face, her slim body twirling in the air from the force behind his swing before she landed on the hard gym floor further away, a pained yelp escaping her pink lips.

Stefan immediately cried out in alarm for Elena, flashing towards Klaus in a haze of white hot anger, but the original, centuries his senior, caught his hands, flicking them away like flies before he squeezed his fingers around the vampire's throat, cutting off his air. "She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up..."

Billie looked back over her shoulder at the scene, static panic in her pumping veins, heartbeat banging mercilessly against her ribs. She had used the distraction to stir Alex and his new girlfriend, helping them to quietly escape out of the back door of the gymnasium. Guilt wracked her head at leaving behind her friends but her feet had led their own way, immediately moving to save one of the only people in her life that had ever truly loved her, even if that wasn't so much the case anymore. 

Alex ushered his new girlfriend out the door as Billie turned just to see the hybrid compelling Stefan into a mindless servant, an extremity he had not resorted to the entire time they travelled together.

She jolted at the feeling of a hand on her shoulder, whipping around to see Alex, the small purse of his lips, despite their slight tremble, telling her that it was time to go.

Just as they'd cleared the blue double doors, hearing the soft click as they shut behind them, those same doors burst open, cracking the marble walls and bending the hinges. As Billie had turned to see what followed them through, a gust of unnatural air whipped past her and Stefan stood dazed in front of Dana. 

Their collective gasps echoed in Billie's ears and her body froze for a moment. Alex grabbed Dana's hand from behind her, pulling the shocked girl away from the vampire with dark veins spreading like cracks in ice under his eyes.

Without realising, the couple backed away from Stefan, back into the gym, leaving Billie to now stand in front, unmoving before her compelled friend. "Stefan..." Billie whispered to him, voice breaking out into the silence, trying desperately to remind herself that this was not the Stefan she knew and clinging to the unrealistic hope that he could fight through the compulsion. "Please don't do this." 

There were few times in Billie's life that she had ever begged anybody, but if it meant that she could stop Alex from dying, she would drop to her knees and kiss a beggars haggard shoes. The boy with the abusive father that gave more love than he'd ever received in his whole life. The boy that climbed a drain pipe to lend a crying girl he barely knew his lighter. 

Stefan didn't look like he heard her, or anything at all aside from the pumping blood in his victim's veins. He flashed forward, shoving aside the clairvoyant in his way and into the tiled walls of the gym threshold. A sickening crack echoed out as her head smashed right into the hard surface, a little splat of blood from her busted skull trailing down the line of gravity.

Billie's feet refused to old her anymore and she slumped against the red stained wall, heavy head lolling to the side, barely conscious, limbs weighing a ton each. She watched with almost completely blurred vision as Alex slid towards her on his knees, cupping her face and calling out her name, but it all sounded like she was listening through a wall of foam and watching from behind a screen of layered film. 

Stefan lunged right at Dana, sinking his white fangs into her fair neck, drinking in the bood she desperately tried to send to her slowing heart, ripping out her fleshy throat and dropping her still body to the glossy gym floor in a crumpled heap. 

Billie watched Alex scream out her name, tears rushing down his structured cheeks. He had moved on from her, but because of Billie, not only was Dana now dead, but it seemed he was to meet his untimely demise next.

The clairvoyant's vision became practically nonexistent, fresh tears along with a rampant concussion both darkening and completely blurring her eyes. She wished she could see his face when she finally uttered those three words she could never seem to get out, but there was no later time for him, so she spoke in a blind haze.

"I love you."

The tears scurried down her blotched cheeks in a sudden panic when she felt him violently ripped from her hold and when his body plummeted to the floor alongside Dana's a few seconds later. She wasn't ashamed of the sobs she let out for him. She could hardly breathe with the way her heart felt as though it was physically breaking in her own chest.

He never let out a single sound.

this one's a bit short ik but i wanted to pay my respects to alex and his wonderful character by ending the chapter there. yall prolly din like him very much but idk he holds a special place in my heart i would have enjoyed developing his story a bit more but i think it was his time. rip 

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