The trio shared an uneasy look. The last time they thought they could kill Klaus, it horrifically blew up in their face because of one of them. And the time before that it didn't turn out so well either. Coincidentally, that culprit was also in the room, lying in a coffin, daggered and desiccated.
The piercing ring of Billie's phone sounded from her back pocket and she jumped slightly in surprise before answering quickly, already on her way to the stairs for some privacy. "Hello?"
"Where are the coffins." Klaus quickly uttered the demand and Billie instantly froze, casting a look to the vampires to see that they had heard as well. Her eyes were wide as she quickly strung herself back under control to lie.
"You mean those ugly brown boxes in your van? Haven't the foggiest, anything else?" She kept her tone almost infuriatingly calm and casual, to the point she impressed even herself.
He took a second to reply. "Are you sure you're not lying to me Billie?" He sounded calmer now, but the kind of calm that got you nervous.
Billie shrugged to herself, even though she knew he couldn't see it, reluctant to move from her place at the foot of the stairs. Stefan and Damon could hear her wherever she went in the house. She huffed dramatically for the suspicious hybrid, frowning slightly at the look the brothers sent each other and the way they nodded softly like they spoke telepathically.
"Yes, sweetheart I'm sure. Now I would say I have better things to do than listen to you, but that wouldn't actually be true. I just don't want to."
The little sigh from the other line let her know that she was finally in the clear. "So if there's nothing else... I have some wallowing to get back to." The hybrid didn't bother with a goodbye, settling for an abrupt and silent end to the conversation.
She let the hand holding her phone fall tiredly from her face as she leaned against the banister.
Damon had the smallest smile on his lips when she finally caught his gaze, but his eyes were playfully narrowed. "You're suspiciously good at that."
Billie scrunched up her shoulder cutely, grinning at the somewhat compliment. "Why thank you, I've had practice."
Stefan sighed tiredly. "Quit flirting you two, we've got things to do." He cut through their conversation like the true buzzkill he was born to be and began striding purposefully towards Billie.
It wasn't until he was a few steps away from her that she began to get cautious, holding out her hands like it could stop him. "Woah, what are you doing?" She glanced to Damon, quickly realising he wouldn't lift a finger to help her.
By the time she started backing away, Stefan was already within distance to start his compulsion, not enough humanity in him to hesitate before making her forget all about the coffins in the basement of the burned witch house.
Billie sipped happily at her sugary tea, listening vaguely as Alaric spoke, nodding here and there to show she was paying attention, a few 'oh my god's and 'no way's to spice things up now and again. She watched the street around them from where they sat at a table outside the Grill. It seemed she had developed a little paranoia, Billie always had to be aware of her surroundings.
Apparently, the first woman to show any interest in her old history teacher after Jenna was a hot doctor and, according to Damon, a certified psycho case.
He sighed as he finished, tired of his obsessive thoughts. Billie knew the feeling, she swallowed her tasty tea, sitting up a little to give her two cents. "Listen Ric, I don't know what you're doing listening to Damon in the first place, he is a famously unreliable source."
He nodded his head to the side with pursed lips in agreement, allowing her to continue.
"I mean, what do you think? You've gotta have some feeling about it?" She prompted his instincts and he pulled his eyes down to his clasped hands, fiddling as he thought hard. Alaric laughed slightly at himself, shrugging cutely after a moment. "That's why I called you."
Billie tilted her head contemplatively, pushing her sunglasses up her slightly oily nose, seeing as it was a ridiculously hot day. "I don't even know what you want me to do? I'm not exactly a PI." She humbled herself, lifting her shoulders helplessly.
Ric shook his head, adopting a pleading tone as he sat forward. "You don't even have to meet her if you don't want to. Just... get a look at her maybe? If that's how it works?" He turned his palms up, looking as confused as a lost puppy with the subject of her clairvoyance.
Harper observed his glinting eyes and desperate demeanour, spreading a smile on her lips like butter on bread, quickly receiving one back at her agreement.
"Alright fine! I'll stop by the hospital later" She leaned back in her seat with a sigh while Alaric beamed victoriously. He promptly clapped his hands against his thighs, standing up to leave.
Billie gasped in offence, placing a spread palm over her heart. "Wow, you were just going to leave without even asking about my day?" She exclaimed in horror, savouring the little roll of his eyes. "It's like you people don't even care what I had for breakfast!"
Alaric pulled on his leather jacket before leaning against the back of the chair he'd just stood up from, looking at Billie earnestly. "What did you have for breakfast Billie?" He conceded with a little smile.
She turned her face away for a moment, stealing glances at him from the sides of her eyes. "Do you really want to know?"
He tried desperately to refrain from rolling his eyes again, leaning sassily on his right leg. "Yes."
Billie didn't reply for a long moment, the duo just looking challengingly into each others eyes. Breaking the silent contest, she began looking around her timidly, before she finally spoke.
"I had air, thank you for asking."
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