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It felt like hours had passed before Billie sensed the dark presence of the hybrid kneel beside her. Her vision was completely gone by now, the pounding of her head agonising to the point it was borderline hypnotic. She could feel the warm drip of fresh blood trailing through her brunette hair from the split in her head. 

Billie's ears were so overwhelmed with the rhythmic thumping of her growing concussion, no sounds reached their drums and she was left in the loneliest pit of senseless darkness she'd ever been in. She tried to shuffle her hands around the slightest, crawling with her fingers, trying to find the touch of Alex's cold, dead hands, as though they could ease away the pain like they did when he was alive.

They didn't, if anything they only made turned her fat tears into a thunderstorm. And when a hand landed softly on her limp shoulder, strong arms encircling her back and legs, lifting her away from the only source of happiness she'd found in her miserable, lonely life, that black hole forming in her broken heart only grew. 

Billie had taken his whole life from him. Prospects of college, careers, a family, the liberty from his abusive father. Alex always fancied himself a nurse. He'd blushed when he admitted it, cheeks spotting a healthy red as he poured out to her his dreams. It was always in him to take care of everyone else.

She used to think, where would she be then? By his side? That was what had seemed right at the time.

Harper felt the chest she leaned on rumble from speech but her ears refused to hear what was being said. It wouldn't have made a difference if they had. Billie was alone in her black pit of semi-conscience, fearful as it was comforting. That was how it had always been. 

Just like the good old days, she thought.

Billie felt herself being lowered, her back now pressed into soft plastic while her limbs fell limp, in her lap, chin resting weightlessly on her chest. Cold glass pressed against her parted pale lips and the slight shock stimulated her mind for the briefest of moments before the small tube like object was tilted towards her and a warm, metallic iron taste flooded her tongue in a gross discomforting way. Warm fingers tilted her helpless chin up and Billie felt herself choke for a moment on the horrid liquid before she was forced to swallow it.

Suddenly, that little black abyss she'd settled into was ripped from her, the fantasy of a dream torn from her reach and light seeped like water into her wide open eyes.

"Welcome back love, had me worried for a small second there." That familiar cocky voice filtered through her ears, cleared like a clogged sink drain. Billie blinked several times, eyes dry from being so wide open, trying desperately to see. She lifted her hand to the back of her head as she pushed the injury from her recovering eyes, feeling the soppy red blood clotted in her hair, a reminder that what happened was real.

Klaus' face began to clear through the blur after a moment, crouched in front of her casually. Billie didn't say anything for a moment, only flexing her fingers, making sure she could use them again before she threw a fist into the hybrid's watching face, or at least tried to. 

She heard a gasp of surprise from behind her, but was overly distracted by the newfound pain echoing through her hand as Klaus squeezed it ever so slightly, not to injure her, only as a warning. "I thought we could be civilised about this." He sighed in disappointment, letting go of his hold on her and coming to a stand.

His head tilted slightly to the side, his seaside eyes no longer focused on the brunette in front of him. Without anymore delay, he nodded to his sister who sat casually on the marble top of one of the lab tables, exploring the niceties of modern technology. Klaus cast her one final, unreadable glance before flashing away into the quiet building and leaving Billie to mourn in her least favourite class.

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