thirty two

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While Billie had been busy indirectly saving Stefan, Elena and Bonnie's lives, the news quickly reached her that Klaus had found the coffins and had made a visit to the burnt witch house to retrieve them. 

It seemed her clairvoyance was about as bad at multitasking as she was.

Damon, however, being the clever menace he was, had time to not only undagger one of the originals, but also hide a coffin, the locked one. 

So maybe she shouldn't have been so surprised when Elijah appeared beside her in the park, his perfect little face in his perfect little suit looking down at her while she lay on a bench. 

She didn't get up immediately, simply observing him first. Sighing to herself, Billie finally sat up, posture abysmal as she leaned back to look at him with crossed arms.

"Billie." He greeted with a soft smile hinting at the edge of his lips.

"Elijah." She responded monotonously. Harper had no problem blaming him for the fact that she was forced to spend the entire summer carted around in stuffy cars looking for werewolves. It was safe to say she was still a little bitter about his betrayal.

He didn't acknowledge the cold nature of the greeting, taking a seat beside her casually. "You look well." He began conversationally.

"You don't." He turned his head to face her, the ghosted smile now showing a little dimple in his left cheek. She met his eyes defiantly, raking his figure with scrutiny before sighing in defeat. "Goddamn it, you do."

Elijah faced ahead again, watching people go by on that calm Saturday afternoon. "Much has happened since we've last spoken. I must admit..." His eyes fell regrettably. "It was never my intention to hurt you because of what I did."

Billie frowned, caught a little off guard by the sincere apology. She remembered how she felt the night of the ritual, knowing in her heart that Klaus had not died and finding out a couple of days later that it had been because of the man sitting beside her. Billie remembered how quickly she'd lost all her respect for Elijah.

But knowing herself, if he kept up with his act of nobility and genuine air, Billie, like the fool she was, would most likely forgive him far sooner than he deserved.

She saw him turn to her in her peripherals, observing her thoughtful figure. "Niklaus and I are hosting a dinner tonight." He announced and Billie met his gaze in confusion.

He pulled out a card from his jacket, handing it to her before coming to his feet. Billie held his eyes for a second before regarding the small script. It was a rather formal invitation to a dinner that night. 

Elijah smiled a little at his own thoughts before speaking. "I think we'd all rather enjoy your presence." Billie didn't bother stopping the small grin that spread over her lips at his words. He hadn't lost an ounce of charm yet.

Billie flit her eyes around the park as she thought, before replying with a little simper. "Save me some bourbon, I'll be a little late." He tilted his head to the side a little. "Do you have something else planned?" He questioned her with an almost unnoticeable frown.

Harper shook her head, beaming cutely up at the original. "No, that's just my personality."

Billie had snuck past Viv at the front desk, quickly blending into the swarm of people flooding the halls of Mystic Memorial. 

In truth, not going to school anymore left Billie with a lot of spare time that she didn't really know what to with. At first, she had to admit it was relieving not to be stuck in senior year while juggling the supernatural side of her life, but now it just felt like a hole had been left in her where the stress and fun that senior year was supposed to fill.

So, she decided to put Alaric's mind at ease and visit his girlfriend in the ER. Billie removed her sunglasses reluctantly, hesitant to allow the bright lights of the hospital to invade her sensitive eyes, but of course, Ric hadn't given her any idea of who to look for, so intuition it was.

Billie followed a little trail of white that ran along the floor, feeling like she was going in circles around the hospital until suddenly she crashed into someone in the hallway. She immediately started to apologise. "Sorry! I wasn't looking where I wa-" Her eyes landed on Georgie, flustered cheeks from powerwalking around the corner and curly blonde locks pulled into the messiest bun Billie had ever seen. "Georgie!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Georgie smiled quickly, eyes darting to the beeping pager in her fingers. "Listen, I've gotta go." She held up the screaming pager in explanation. "I'll meet you in the lobby in twenty?" The woman fidgeted relentlessly and Billie smiled in relief, waving her away. "Yeah, of course. I'll see you there."

The blonde smiled brightly, pulling her in quickly as she walked by to kiss her cheek. "Alright baby, I'm so sorry." She apologised one last time before half sprinting down the hall and around another corner. Billie blushed slightly to herself, pressing a palm to her cheek where Georgie had showed her such a quick, thoughtless gesture, embarrassed at the way it meant the world to her.

The clairvoyant spent a while staring at the floor while she walked, waiting to stumble upon her old history teacher's suspected psycho of a significant other, when suddenly, a dark trail appeared beside the one she'd been following, intense and pitch.

Billie looked up quickly in surprise when it had appeared, shaking her head at her actions, knowing that no one else could see it but her.

Following her instincts, Harper abandoned her original trail, instead stalking it's ominous replica. 

It didn't take as long as it had been following the light, Billie assumed it was because whoever it was at the end of the darkness wasn't moving as fast and as frequent as an on-call doctor. Billie came upon a hallway, almost identical to all the others in the hospital, except it was the ICU.

She looked up and down the corridor, there wasn't as much traffic here, it was mostly empty. A couple others loitering around. Billie trailed the path with her eyes, seeing that it disappeared into an empty dark room to the left.

Looking around her one last time, Billie carefully stepped into the room, the darkness she was following now enveloped by the lightlessness of what looked to be the storage room of that floor.

Billie had watched her fair share of horror movies, and she knew better than to call out into the black. So she tiptoed along the room, poking her head in to look between the library-like aisles.

Just as she was to look past the last shelf, a cell phone rang out into the silence, making the brunette jump sky high in fright. Breathing heavily, she peaked into the final aisle.

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