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The vampire quickly released her and headed straight for his home, not even taking notice of the fuming expression on the clairvoyant's face in the midst of his own consuming rage.

Billie began to follow him quietly, feeling fiery agony wind up her right arm as she clenched her hurt fists from impulsively punching a brick wall. The pain was good, she thought. It meant she couldn't hurt Damon, not that any hit she could land on him would make him even flinch.

Damon brushed curtly passed Elena who had been pacing before the lit fireplace until they arrived.

Seeing the vampire's unwelcoming nature, she quickly turned to Billie, who wasn't all too friendly either, but a better alternative at the least. "What's going on? Is Klaus dead?" She asked, too hopefully for Billie's increasingly short temper.

Damon scoffed aggressively, saving Billie from an explanation as he recounted the night's events for a speechless doppelganger. 

The pitiful clairvoyant did not bother to listen to his words, rather swiftly finding the bourbon in the salon. But for once in her life, the substance did not make her happy, it did not allow her to forget. The anger she felt only grew with every sip of the amber liquid. It both scared Billie, and invigorated her.

By the end, the struggle to find words to say was beyond apparent on her soft features. "H-how did this happen?" Elena sputtered out in confusion. 

"We thought of everything Elena! Klaus having hybrids, Mikael turning on us, we even brought in Katherine so you weren't in danger! Anything that could have gone wrong, we were prepared." 

He was yelling, Billie pressed a hand to her head, fighting the urge to break something, or someone. Her fingers clenched a little tighter around her glass.

"I don't understand... Stefan wanted Klaus dead more than anything. That's what we were counting on."

Billie abruptly stood from her seat, downing the rest of her bourbon and unintentionally slamming the glass onto the table as she moved to leave the room.

Why couldn't she understand? They'd lost. They blew it. What's done is done and the girl was still grasping for strings and whys and why nots. There was no point. Billie wished Elena could see that.

All she wanted was to just leave the quarrelling lovers and sit on a rooftop somewhere to smoke, in fact she'd never needed it more. Billie was just so tired of everything. The way her life repeatedly went to shit at every turn. The way she dreaded getting up every morning, scared of what the world had in store for her that day.

"Where the hell do you think you're going." Damon flashed in front of her path in an instant, tone low and distrusting. Billie had her eyes shut, trying to rein in her newfound craze. "Damon get out of my way." She commanded, barely keeping her voice steady.

"Why didn't you say anything? You had to have known what was gonna happen." Elena piped up from behind her with crossed arms and brows furrowed. The accusatory lining in her voice was enough to set Billie off.

"I did."

"And what did you do about that?" She asked sarcastically, boring her colourful eyes into Damon's with deep contempt. "Nothing."

The clairvoyant quickly reined it in, clamping her mouth shut before she could say anything and purposefully crashed into the vampire's shoulder as she passed, cuts in her palms from how deeply she dug her nails in them to refrain from violence. 

Billie hadn't even bothered to explain to them how she'd been compelled by Mikael to stand aside and do nothing. She was so tired of them. So utterly exhausted of the way they treated her. Like she had all the answers to everything that had ever gone wrong for them. Like she was just a tool to help them get what they wanted and screw over everyone else.

Billie didn't bother going up into one of the rooms, she wasn't staying in the Salvatore house that night.

Billie was finally going home.

The apartment was a little colder than usual as Billie walked in, the smell of smoke radiating off of her from her extracurriculars on the way over. She had wanted to say goodbye to Georgie, but the woman was in her final year of med school now and worked harder than ever, besides, Billie would find her way back. She left a little note tucked under the cute fridge magnet and left the way she came.

Billie took a long look at the apartment again before she closed the door to leave. Not because she wouldn't return any time soon or because she'd forgotten something. No. Because the place Billie was going, she needed to be reminded what happiness and security felt like.

With that final snapshot of her aunt's home, Billie shut the door, locking it before she turned to walk leisurely down the hallway, steps carrying her to and fro as the effect of alcohol in her system continued to linger in her warm blood.

She booked her bus ticket online, ignoring the way people looked to her with disgust as she passed by smelling like an unhealthy mix of bourbon and cigarettes all alone at night.

Billie had booked her bus three hours ahead at 2am, giving her all the time in the world to get there. Eventually her feet carried her out of town, where the roads weren't as narrow and crowded, where the people had dwindled and returned to their own happy, warm homes. Billie felt at such peace under the quietness and solitude, with just herself and the half moon to guide her along the dark road. 

It would have been just as easy to get a ride over and grab the next bus to Manhattan, but it just wasn't that kind of night for Billie.

So by the time she got to the bus station, her deliberately slow footsteps carrying her about a metre a minute, the bus was almost ready to leave. She bypassed the carriage loader, not having anything with her but the clothes on her back, a nearly empty wallet and an almost broken phone.

Billie contemplated whether to tell him over the phone, or with a vague text. Considering she wasn't particularly in the mood for a lengthy phone call about how she was an idiot for leaving, Billie decided a text would be best. Searching for Klaus' contact as she found a seat to collapse in for a few hours, Billie ran her fingers across the screen to text the one person that might actually have a problem with her abrupt departure, even if it was for the same reasons as everyone else.

With the message sent, her earphones were quickly deposited in either ear and Billie Harper leaned back in the slouched bus seat, waiting to see a concrete jungle of high rises and a dashing sunrise when she woke up again.

gone on vacation. call if you need me :)

sooo i was thinking, since im a lil weirdo who puts memes in my story hehe, if u guys wanted to make some, that would be totally aight w me :) oBVIouslY you don't hAVe to, but if you did... i would post them and tag uuuu. but u still dont have too lmao hasta lavista darlings

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