Chapter 16

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Hunter weaved around the streets, leaping over cars and ducking under jaws just before they could get a hold of him. "It's great the nedirine can show themselves but now it's harder to stay hidden." He grumbled under his breath as he ducked into a narrow alleyway, too narrow for the two silver armored nedirine to fit through. One growled in agitation while the other let out a roar that caused him to wince in pain.

He glanced behind him, seeing the nedirine weren't there anymore, causing him to blink in confusion before he heard the sound of beating wings above. Hunter looked up, seeing the two nedirine following him from above. He looked around, trying to find a way to lose the dragon-like creatures.

He turned sharply into a more narrow alleyway, making his way towards the forest. The only place he could possibly hide from these large beasts. He sprinted through the city, making sharp turns whenever it was possible, he was growing closer to the forest however he was also growing out of narrow places to squeeze into.

Just as the forest came into sight, a group of soldiers stood between him and the forest, Hector taking the lead. He drew his sword, twirling it in his hand for a moment before pointing it directly at him. "Halt." He ordered, Hunter's eyes widened before turning around only for a smaller nedirine to squeeze through the gap, stopping him in his tracks, his dark green scales gleamed in the sunlight as it stalked towards him. The other two larger nedirine took their places along the roof.

Hunter let out a sigh, raising his hands up in surrender as he relaxed his stance. Hector sheathed his sword before nodding to one of his men, the soldier walked up to Hunter before grabbing his wrists, clamping down bulky white marble cuffs. "You are here by being arrested for suspicion of harming the princess. Say nothing, if you do it will be used against you in trial." Hector claimed cooly as two soldiers took hold of Hunter's arms. "Thank you, you three." Hector spoke with a small nod which the nedirine returned before taking off into the sky. Hector then turned around to look at Hunter, a smirk forming along his lips, "I've been waiting for this moment, the king will most definitely be pleased. Come, he must be taken to questioning." Hector ordered, looking back up at his small band of soldiers.

Hunter glanced up towards the castle, which seemed just a tad smaller due to the distance he ran. He let out a sigh, before thinking how he should've revealed himself sooner.


I giggled lightly as I heard Phil grumble in frustration, his hand gripping my own as he was currently being my guide due to him blindfolding me out of the blue. I felt my foot hit a small lip, causing me to stumble, Phil catching me before I could hit the ground. "Sorry, I should've warned you." Phil spoke, his voice sounding slightly embarrassed.

"How much further?" I asked calmly, I was only a bit agitated, but that was because of my clumsiness. Phil continued walking, this time keeping two hands on my shoulders just in case I tripped again. I noticed that the sound of other footsteps slowly went down to almost very few, however children's laughter reached my ears as, what I could guess, we grew closer to our destination.

"Not much farther mahal. Just a few more paces." Phil responded cheerfully, mumbling something under his breath I didn't catch. A few more moments ticked by before Phil pulled me to a stop. I could hear laughter, multiple footsteps, and people exchanging conversation or scowling someone. I then felt my blindfold become untied, I blinked open my eyes, wincing at the sudden bright light before looking at the sign in front of me in awe. "Atlantis Central Zoo." I read off the bright cyan letters, each letter being a different type of animal.

"You love animals, so I figured I'd take you to some place where you can learn new species." Phil stated with a small smile, gesturing towards the entrance which was right behind the sign.

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