Chapter 22

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I blinked open my eyes, wincing lightly as I stared at the bright lighted window, the spot next to me empty, I let out a groan as my head began to pound, feeling as if I didn't get any sleep at all, closing my eyes as I turned my body away from the sun's rays. "Well look who's awake." I opened my eyes once more seeing a messy haired Singapore, wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants, a breakfast tray in his hands, he also had his glasses back on.

Phil and Indo came out from behind him, "Hey (Y/N)!" Phil exclaimed with a bright smile as Indo simply waved his hand lazily with a frown present on his face.

I winced slightly at the volume of Phil's voice. How can he be so energetic in the morning? "Can you tone it down please? I have a little bit of a headache." I state, rubbing my temples with my fingers trying to massage out the headache, hoping it would ease just a bit.

"Oh. Sorry." Phil spoke quietly, lowering his head just a bit.  As Indo let out a chuckle causing Phil to glare at him, "Shut it." He whispered in warning.

"Here princess, eat this." Singa spoke as he sat down next to me while placing the tray on my lap, while I let out a yawn, before taking a small sip of milk before beginning to eat the food on the plate. I let out a hum in delight as Singa had a soft smile on his face, Indo and Phil turning around quickly, hearing a small knock on the doorframe, seeing South.

"There you guys are  ... I have something to ask - (Y/N)?" South questioned, as he noticed me eating breakfast in Singapore's bed.

"The princess had nightmares last night, so I let her come in here." Singa explained before South could question further before he nodded in understanding, seeming to not push it.

"Alright that's fine, I'll tell you guys later then. Meet me in our meeting place." South responded, slowly slipping out of the room, closing it behind him before moving on.

It didn't take long for me to finish breakfast before leaving the room as I went to my own room, to get changed and such, while the other three went off to go see what South wanted. Once I was dressed, I walked out to see my brother standing in front of me. "Hunter? What brings you here?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side slightly before letting out a yelp as he pushed me back into my room, closing the door quietly behind him. "Hunter!?"

"Is there anyone else here?" Hunter questioned, looking around the room, seeming alert for some reason.

"No, whats-"

"I think I found out who the traitor is!" Hunter exclaimed all of a sudden, causing my eyes to widen slightly. "I heard the maids talking to each other a few nights ago, saying something about how your father is allowing the child of Olympus to live in the castle." He informed, speaking quietly as if someone would be eavesdropping on the two of us.

I look down to the ground in thought before looking up at him, "Why tell me now?" I questioned as I crossed my arms before raising a brow to question him further, I was curious but I kind of knew the answer as well. Echo slithered over, climbing up to my shoulders as she draped herself across them, looking at Hunter, flicking her tongue in and out.

Hunter smiled in an embarrassed way, scratching the back of his neck, "Well ... um I was trying to figure out who the child of Olympus could be on my own ... but so far had no luck." He stated, looking up at me with big puppy dog eyes as I let out a sigh.

"I know who it is." I say, causing him to look at me in surprise.

"Really? You ... didn't even have time to think about it." He stated as I shrugged, a small smile on my lips as I walked past him.

"Don't need to. Although I need you to get father and meet me in the library." I instructed, leaving the room without hearing another word from him. I walked down the hallway, I would walk to Soviet and Reich's rooms ... but I still don't want to see them at this moment, no matter how much time has passed I haven't really had the chance to talk to them about the events that transpired. However, there are two others who can get information out of others just as easily as they can.

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