At the Pharmacy

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Raph and Karai got to the pharmacy and ran inside. They went straight to the pharmacist on duty and Karai explained their situation.

"Hi my name is Hamato Karai and my husband Hamato Leonardo has BP and OCD issues and we live in California but he forgot his meds at home and he needs them now so if you could look him up in the system and fill his meds that would be great."

The pharmacist is a middle aged light skinned man, looks like a nice guy so Karai thought he'd help them out. The name tag he had on said Dr. Dunman. So Raph used that to his advantage.

"Please Dr. Dunman, We'll Wait as long as we need to. my brother."

Raph pleaded and Dr. Dunman saw the hope in their eyes and made a decision.

"Alright, I'll help you, but I would like to go to him and make sure he's ok after I fill the prescription. I'm a part time doctor so I can help in any way necessary."

Dr. Dunman said. Karai and Raph agreed since they could all shift to humans.

"Ok what's his name ?"

"Hamato Leonardo."

Dr. Dunman said that Raph had to tell the doctor all the information since he was his brother.

"Birthday ?"

"June 14 1981."

"We know gender is male..."

The doctor filled in all the information he asked for with Raph's helpful info and they found Leo's account in no time.

"Ok, now I just need you to answer some of his security questions."

The doctor continued...

"First question...what is the name that his direct younger brother calls his second youngest brother ?"

"What do you call Donnie ?"

Karai rephrased the question after Raph's confused look he displayed after the doctor asked the question.

"Oh, that's easy, Brainiac. B-r-a-i-n-i-a-c."

"Good. Next question...What is the name of his third oldest child ?"

"Hamato Shawn...right ?"

Raph turned to Karai to make sure he was correct.

"Yep. Cory, Jake then Shawn's the oldest...youngest."

"How many kids do you two have ?"

The doctor asked curiously.

"Six. Allicae, Prim Rose, Yoshi, Shawn, Jake and Cory. 15, 12, 11, 9, 8 and 10 months."

Karai recited her kids' names like it was a competition.

"Wow, hands full huh ?"

Dr. Dunman jokes looking at Karai then the computer he was at.

"Yeah. But Leo keeps us all in order."

Karai smiled at Leo's name.

"You two must be close. If you're helping him out like this."

Dr. Dunman said to Raph.

"Yeah. We...actually...haven't seen each other in 20 years. This was our reunion today. As you can see, it went really well."

Raph tried to lighten the mood since it's drastic change when Raph started talking about not seeing Leo in a while.

Karai put a comforting hand on his shoulder and she saw a tear roll down his face.

"Aww, Raph."

Karai didn't care if Raph didn't want the hug.

"It's not just your fault Raph. It's all of you. You all decide to split up. We can talk about it when we get back and Leo's healthy again."

Karai rubbed Raph's back and he embraced her like she embraced him.

"Thanks Karai."

" long will the meds take ?"

"Two hours."

"Good, we have time to call home." 

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