At the lair : 3 o'clock

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When they got to the lair, they all got out making a commotion which alerted the current occupants of the lair that Leo and Donnie had gotten there with their families. 

Everyone that was in the pit, stood up and looked towards their new guests joining them and smiled as they all walked in the turnstiles. 

Leo was arguing with Donnie and his two friends while Karai, Allicae, Prim Rose and Sam had their own argument. 

The rest of the kids were playing happily together. 

“Hey !!” 

Raph’s shout broke all conversation in the room. 

“What the shell is going on here ?!?!” 

Mikey was the next to speak up by happily greeting his two brothers. 

“Leo !! Donnie !!” 

Mikey ran to his brothers and hugged them like he did Raph. Mikey’s girlfriend followed and Mikey introduced her. 

“Everyone, this is my girl Ally. Ally these are my two older brothers, Leonardo, Leo, and Donatello, Donnie. Karai !!” 

Mikey has just spotted Karai and ran to hug her. 

“Hello Michelangelo. It’s great to see you as well.” 

Karai happily greeted Mikey and his warm hug. 

“Hey Mikey.” 

Mikey’s two older brothers greated him. 

“Mikey these are my friends Joshua and Anthony, Joshua and Anthony this is my younger brother Michelangelo, Mikey. Mikey these are my kids Sam, Gabby, and Julian. Sam, Gabby, Julian this is your Uncle Mikey.” 

“Ooh, more nieces and nephews.” 

Mikey said excitedly jumping up and down. 

“How about your girl Donnie ?” 

Mikey asked the one question Leo’s and Karai were hoping no one would ask. 

“Well Julian’s mom I was with her three months ago, Gabby’s mom I was with six moths ago, and Sam’s mom I was with eight months ago.” 

Mikey’s expression went from excited to confused and that’s when Raph approached the group with crossed arms and started questioning his little brother. 

“What do you mean Donnie ?” 

“I don’t have currently have a girlfriend. But I was close with that girl at the airport.” 

Donnie smiled at his two friends who hadn’t left his side and they laughed too and Joshua spoke first. 

“Dude she slapped you. You weren’t any closer than I was.” 

“Definitely not after what you said to her !” 

Leo snapped at Donnie. 

“What did you say to her ?” 

Raph was almost scared about what Donnie was about to say since it had Leo so peeved off. 

“I said…” 

Donnie was about to say what he said at the airport when Leo cut in between them. 

“There are children present ! Do not say it Donatello !!” 

Leo caught himself using his father voice on Donnie. 

“Wow, you almost sounded like Sensei for a minute there Leo.” 

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