2:30pm at the NYC airport...

29 2 0

Leo, Karai and their kids had just gotten off the plane and Leo took the older boys to the boys bathroom and Karai took Prim Rose and Cory to the girls bathroom.

Leo got out first with Allicae, Yoshi, Shawn and Cory and sat in the waitin area waiting for Karai, Prim Rose and Cory.

Leo was standing in front of the four kids when he heard someone sneak up behind him.

Leo turned around and flipped the person's wrist behind their back and put his other hand on the guy's shoulder.

"Who are you ?"

"Wait ! Wait ! Wait ! Leo !"

"Donnie ?" Leo looked up and two other guys were running towards them from only a few feet away.

"Leo that's my friend, Joshua."

"Oh, my bad. Sorry bro...and uh...sorry Joshua."

Leo let the guy go and Donnie saw the kids behind Leo.

"Fatherly instincts ?"

Donnie jokes and Leo turned towards his kids. Shawn and Jake were playin on a tablet, Allicae was playing on his phone, and Yoshi wasn't doing anything, just watching his uncle's friends intently like his life intended on it.

"Yeah uh, kinda."

Leo said kind of embarrassed he snapped on Donnie's friend.

"We made Joshua a bet he couldn't sneak up on you. I win !"

Donnie said that and got handed twenty dollar bills from Joshua and the other guy. 

"So who are your friends Donatello ?"

Leo looked at the two guys with Donnie and they were whispering to Donnie's ear like they were all eight again.

"Oh uh, this is Joshua and that's Anthony. The kids are in the bathroom."

Donnie kept looking around Leo with his friends and Leo was getting annoyed.

"Your kids ?"

"Yeah. They wanted to come so, I let them."

"Oh. Did your girlfriend come with you?"

"Dude ! Dude ! Dude ! Dude ! Dude ! 50 !"

Joshua jumps up and down with his arm on Donnie's shoulder and the three of them jumped trying to compose themselves.

"Hold up bro, I'll be right back."

Donnie walks behind Leo and walks towards a girl that was outside the gift shop. Donnie walks by her and says something in her ear and keeps walking. She walks up to him and slaps him and walked off.

Joshua and Anthony laughed so hard they were practically crying.

Donnie came back over smiling and gave Anthony and Joshua high fives and they all kept laughing and Donnie handed Anthony and Joshua 25 bucks each. Then Leo snapped.

"Donatello !! What the shell was that !?"

"What do you mean Leo ?"

"What do I mean !!?!! What did you say to that girl ?"

"I walked briskly behind her and whispered...hey sexy mama, can I take you home tonight and have you with my milk and cookies."

"Hamato Donatello !!"

Leo was furious. He turned to his kids who weren't paying any attention to Donnie and his friends, thankfully, and turned back to Donnie.

Three kids, two boys one girl, looking 15, 13 and 9 walked over to Donnie and his friends.

"Oh Leo, these are my kids, Sam, Gabby and Julian. Sam, Gabby, Julian this is my oldest brother Leonardo, Leo. Leo these are your nieces and nephews."

Leo talked to them for a minute and then decided it was time to go.

"We have to get going if we're to make it to the lair by 3 o'clock."

Leo walked over to his boys and as he did, Karai walked out of the bathroom with Cory and Prim Rose.

"Donatello !"

Karai gave Cory to Leo and hugged Donnie.

"Good to see you too Karai. I didn't know you and Leo were dating."

"We're married."

"You're married ?!"

That seemed to knock some sense into Donnie for a moment until Leo spoke up.

"Yeah. Anyway, where's your girl Donnie ?"

"Oh, I don't have a girlfriend. Single is the perfect way to mingle !"

Donnie said that last part and Joshua and Anthony high five Donnie again as they act like a bunch of animalistic guys. Leo was surprised by Donnie's behavior so he asked a question.

"Ok then. How long has it been since you were with your kids mom ?" (Leo)

"What ? Oh, well...Julian's mom I was with her three months ago, Gabby's mom I was with six moths ago, and Sam's mom I was with eight months ago."

"Wait ?! They all have different moms ?" (Karai)

"Yeah, you never stick with the same girl more than a year unless it's serious. That's the key to fun brother."

Donnie said and earned more high fives from his friends.

"Alright, I don't know what happened to you Donnie but this isn't how you act ! And it's ticking me off."

Leo was really getting mad now and Karai touched his shoulders to calm him down.

"Well, I rented a van so we could get to the lair faster, shall we go ?"

"Shell ya !"

Donnie and his friends hollered some more like wild animals and they all went to the van Karai said she rented and they got in and drove to the lair.

The white van had four rows counting the driver and passengers seats.

Leo sat in the front with Donnie and they talked the whole way.

Donnie's two friends sat with Sam and Julian in the next row.

Karai say with Gabby, Prim Rose, and Allicae in the next row and Cory in her lap.

Then in the last row sat Yoshi, Shawn and Jake.

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