Leo and Karai's life together

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Leo and Karai had gotten married not a long time ago...well it was a long time ago...but it didn't feel like it...and now had kids of their own.

Their oldest Allicae, who had just turned 15 that year, was just like Leo in every way. He had Leo's leading personality, he had Leo's figure...well for a turtle, he was close to it. And most of all, to tie the father and son together, he like to fight with his direct younger brother Yoshi, but their sister, in the middle of the age gap between them, tried to keep the peace. She's named Prim Rose.

Prim Rose, who has turned 12 that year, was the most pacafistic of all her siblings. She tried to keep the peace between everyone. Even if she didn't know them. And she always could in her mysterious ways.

Yoshi, who had just turned 11 that year, looked like Donnie in some ways, like his facial features, but looked just like Leo on the rest of his body. He was the smartest of all the kids and tried to show off to his father and he like him even though he was smarter, which his siblings found annoying at times, but love him anyway.

The next younger brother, who had just turned 9 that year, named Shawn was the most hot headed of all his siblings. Shawn loves to fight with his older brother Yoshi and say that he's such a genius that he's too geeky to hang around with but everyone knows Hamato Shawn loves his siblings.

The second youngest Jake, who just turned 8that year, Jake was just like Mikey. He loved to joke around a lot. Mostly though, he liked to mess with his older sister and tick her off since she wouldn't fight back. But Jake did pay for messing with Prim Rose by getting pranked by Allicae and Yoshi, which Leo and Karai laughed at but kept it clean between the siblings by making sure it wasn't too far fetched to start a fight between the siblings, since they all were training to be ninjas just like Karia and Leo, so no one got hurt.

The youngest, who had just turned 9 months two weeks ago, didn't have much of a personality. But when little Cory did show personality, he loved to play around and like a jokester.

All of Leo's kids looked like him. A turtle. And since they do have Karai's snake DNA, they have venomous saliva but they weren't lucky enough to have snake hands. Also when they wanted to they could shape shift, like Karai, into humans.

Leo and Karai loves their kids and they love their beach house in California too. They got their beach house 20 years ago when the four brothers split up and went their own ways.

But not long before that, Donnie made them all phones and watches. The phones had each other's numbers in them in case they needed to be contacted. The watches weren't anything normal. They looked and functioned normal, except for when you press the button on the top of it. Then it makes the turtle wearing the watch look human.

So all eight of them could go out in public and look normal and be a normal family and not be sent to dissection labs and be experimented upon.

Never did Leo think he'd use his phone to call up his brothers.

So Leo grabbed the phone he kept in his side table drawer and dialed the first brother's contact he saw and waited for them to say something to indicate his call had been answered.

"Listen Joshua I just told you to..."

"Donnie ?"

"Leo ?"

Author's note
See I told you ppl they would get longer. Just freakin chill bros 😝😋👍🏻

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