Donnie's life

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Donnie was working in his garage when his phone started ringing. He was under a car with tools in his hands and grease all over his body and his blue mechanic suit. Then a boy about Donnie's age walked up to the car and knocked on the hood and scared the crap out of Donnie so he jumped and came out from under the car and got handed a phone before he could complain.

Donnie took the phone and thought he knew who it was so he just started talking.

"Listen Joshua I just told you to..."

Donnie was cut off by his older brother's shaky voice and it sounded like he was upset.

"Donnie ?"

"Leo ?"

"Donnie I'm sorry we fought *sniffle* and *sniffle* I'm sorry I'm such a bad big brother *sob* a-n-d I'm sorry *sniffle* that I left *sniffle* and..."

"Woah woah woah, Leo, Leo, Leo, calm down, calm down. It's ok. Just take a deep breath and start from the top. What's. Wrong ?"

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