𝚂𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜

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Art by [ camibridgee ] on twitter !
Happy 2021 everyone :)

Zak's POV
My eyes flutter open due to movement besides me. I lean up a little, putting most of my weight onto my arms to hold myself up—I look to my right and see Darryl getting out of bed. It wasn't long till he looked back to me. "O-oh! I'm sorry muffin..did I wake you?" his voice was soft, yet deep. His hair was a bit messy, which I thought was cu- cool. it was cool.

"kind of..but it's fine" He hummed slightly. Darryl made his way to his closet, for what I assumed was so he could change; I took that as my cue to leave the room.


I closed the door behind me, almost immediately hearing shuffling from inside the room. I made my way over to my room, and walked inside. I looked over to my bed, god I really want to just lay down and go back to bed. "ughh" I walked over to my closet and changed into a random pair of dark blue pants and a light gray hoodie. My eyes darted around my room. There will still box's everywhere. I hadn't really gotten around to unpacking everything yet. Might as well do that now. I walk over to some of my box's, thankfully, the only boxes I really had were stuff for me youtube.

First, I unpacked the box's with fan-mail. I put every 3D gifts, such as homemade Minecraft characters of me and bad, or little jars full of various candies, around on my window seal & shelves. For my other fan-mail, which were all drawings, I taped up around the wall next to my set-up. I walk back over to some other box's I had, mostly consisting of merch i'm working on. I set it onto an extra desk I have.



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I was laying in my bed, scrolling through my phone when Darryl knocked on my door. "Come in" The door creaked open.

    "Hey Zak, uh, i'm live and my fans want you to come join..do you wanna?"

"yeah sure" He smiled and walked back to his rooms. I swiftly dragged myself out of bed and made my way to Darryls room. He was sitting in front of his camera, an empty chair next to him. He turned over to me, "Ah' there he is chat! C'mon Skeppy, come say hi" he smiled.

I walked over to the chair next to him and sat, I smiled and waved. "what are we doing?"

"uh i was thinking of just doing a talk stream, I've seen Wilbur do some of those and they seem like fun" he thought for a moment. "we can just walk to chat, maybe play some games and see what happens haha"

I shrug, "okay, i'm down" I look to the side monitor and read chat.

Play truth or dare!

Kiss (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

T or D :D

Answer questionssss

Games games games

Skephalo pog

Truth, dare, or drink

"I'm seeing a lot of truth or dare" I say, turning towards Darryl.

"Okay, i'll unpause donations, and you guys can send us stuff!" After some mouse clicking, the donations were turned on, we didn't have to wait long till the first donation came on,

Truth: What were your guy's first impressions of eachother? Also, ILY :)

Darryl looked at me for a moment, then back to the camera, "I thought he was a little troll, but I didn't think he was that bad" He smiled, then looked at me.

"Oh uhh, I thought he was really innocent and was a good target for trolling haha—I was somewhat right"
I smiled.


We answered some donations, did random dares, it was honestly more fun than I thought it would be. "Alright Chat, one last donation and then i'm gonna end for the night" he smiled, and turned on donations. Making it so only the last donation sent would go through.

Hi bad! I dare you guys to kiss tehe ;)

Darryl sighed. "Guys, we talked about this. You can't keep making comments like that, especially now that we live together! Right Geppy?" He turned towards me.

I looked back at him and thought for a moment. "A dares a dare"

"wait wha-" He was interrupted by me giving him a quick peck on the lips. I leaned away; the chat was going crazy. Darryl seemed to be frozen, still processing what just happened.

I turned back towards the stream. "Calm down chat, anyways, darryl seems to have died so i will end this for him" After a couple mouse clicks, the stream had ended, BadBoyHalo was offline.

"Z-zak, why did you.."

"They did pay, i didn't want to uh.. waste their money" He looked down.

"what's wrong?"

"I- nothing. Uh, I'm gonna get dressed and order us pizza or something.."

"Okay, by the way, your lips are soft. I bet you'd be a good kisser if you would have kissed me back- It's okay, I know you won't" I smiled, I had to troll him just a little bit

"You think I won't?"

"I know you won't" I smiled, stood up, and walked out of the room.


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