𝙰𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝟸

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Art by [ SkeppysArtist ] on twitter !

Zak's POV
It's been a week, and I'm still at Spifeys house. He took my phone, said if I was taking a break, then I shouldn't have my phone around. It would make me go back online and I wouldn't get to heal. But, he would give it back if Darryl messaged me..

I sit up and speed walk to his room, i knock twice before he opens the door "yes zak?" he smiles

"has Darryl- uh, messaged me?" he shook his head. why won't he message me. i thought he'd care, i know he needs space, but it's starting to physically hurt to not talk to him.. I remember asking George for my phone so i could text him, make sure he's alright, but he denied me. I sighed and walked back to my room. This is stupid. It's my phone. Why does he get to control it? No. I'm taking my phone back.


"Dinner!" I roll my eyes and get up from the couch. i make my way over to the kitchen and sit at the table, George giving me a plate of food shortly after. He sits down across from me, smiles, and starts eating. I eat as well...About 5 minutes of silence, I finally bring myself to talk.

"George, could I have my phone back? I feel fine and it's my phone anyways" he looks up at me, then back to his food.


"what do you mean no? it's my phone, i paid for it"


"It's my-"

"NO ZAK." he yelled. I was in shock, he has honestly never yelled at me before, not like that at least. I shut my mouth and finish my food.


When we're done eating, we were sitting on the couch, sitting on opposite ends from each other. I take a deep breath, let's try this again. "George" he hums in response "give me my phone"


"it's my phone, give me-"

"ZAK FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME, NO! He turns to look me in the eyes. "You don't fucking need him! Alright? Stop asking, it's annoying" I went to open my mouth to speak, but that pissed him off more. He stood up and grabbed my wrist, hard.

"g-george! let go" it only made his grab harder. a bruise started to form. He shoved me into my room and shut the door.

"just go to bed." i heard his walks grow faint and leave. car driving away.. It's like what happened at Darryls house. I got hurt, they leave the house. Now I guess it's my turn to leave. Why did I ever leave Darryl?.. Darryl.. my phone! Quickly I stand up and jog over to Spifeys room. I walk in and over to his desk, I grab my phone. I turned it on and immediately i saw all the notifactions. Many from fans, some from friends, and most from Darryl. He said Darryl never messaged me. That fucking liar.

I take a deep breath. I'll check what he said later. for now, i need to leave. Quickly I repack my suit case and hop into my car. I start driving..

I make it to a park, I stop in the small parking lot. I want to see what Darryl, the anticipation is killing me. Does he still even want me around? I open my messages and click onto his name, i start to read. i can feel myself start to blush..this feels like a fever dream.



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