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I can't find the artist for this photo, but it's on twitter: if you can find it please lmk!

Darryls POV
It's late, 1:54 am to be exact.. I know I should be sleeping, but I can't. Every time I close my eyes, I see him. I see his bubbly face, or his toothy smile. I am in love with him. I know i fudged up, but if I ever get him back, I will do everything to protect him. I don't remember why, but i ended up confessing, i hoped it would bring him home. Guess not..

has he even seen it? I pull out my phone and slowly tap onto Zak and mine's messages. I see a 'read' at the bottom of my screen. of course, the one time he reads my message, he ignores it. I guess I really did lose him after all.. I start to feel something wet drip down my cheeks. I lift my hand up to feel, and just as I thought, I was crying.

Of course I was crying. I felt weak, stupid, embarrassed, as if every negative emotion I had ever bottled up was exploding inside of me, slowly coming out in the form of tears. regret. Regret for ever thinking he could feel the same. Regret for ever letting myself become so attached. Regret for ever letting myself fall in love in the first place.. But, even if loving him would kill me, I was ready for death the moment I met him. I would go through the pain over and over again, just to hear his laugh.

knock knock

I look over the back of the couch to the front door.. I got up and made my way to the front door. Opening it slowly, in case it was an intruder. But, it wasn't? It was Zak.

Zak's POV
Spifey had sent me a message before I put my phone away. "I'm sorry for what I did, I know you went home. Goodluck with you and bad: i hope we can still be friends"

I sent an "of course we can" before I pushed my phone into my pocket. I turned on my car and started driving. I feel bad for leaving Darryl on read, but if I wanted to tell him how I felt, it wasn't going to be over some text message, I wanted him to see it for himself.


After about 8 minutes, I made it to Darryls house. Our house? I still don't know. I got out of the car, I didn't have a key yet, so I had to knock until we woke up to let me in. What would I say? Guess I'll have to wing it, that's fine, i'm good at that. I knocked on the front door, thankfully i only had to knock twice before I heard shuffling from inside. The door opened slowly, but once done, Darryl stood there. He was wearing sweats, and a baggy hoodie. His hair was messy, he didn't have his smile though, we wore a frown. His eyes were slightly puffy and red.. has he been crying?

"Hello" I say, attempting to break the silence.

"h-hi" We stood there for a moment, but he quickly moved to the side so I could step in. I gave him a small smile before walking in. He shut the door behind me, locking it. I turn around to face him; I take a deep breath. "I love you too" He looked confused. "Darryl, I. Love. You. Too." He starts to blush, slowly we move closer, he leans down and cups my face, I close the gap between us. We yet again, share another kiss. He quickly pulls away though, looking upset.

"y-you promise? this isn't a troll? don't play with my feelings Zak.."

"i promise" we pull back into another kiss. A deep, yet passionate kiss. Full of emotion. But, love most of all—I love him, and he loves me.

It feels as if time is frozen, letting us share this moment, even when our lips separate, we don't let each other go. We stare into each other's eyes, both of us blushing and smiling, like children. I never want tonight to end.


I can't help but love you || SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now