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Art by [ niidomii ] on twitter !

No ones pov
A week had passed, not much happened. Zak had begun to pack his stuff, while Darryl emptied out the guest room, preparing it for the other. Both boys felt extremely nervous, after all, not only would they be moving in together; but it would also be their first time meeting in person. They decided not to publicly announce it yet.

Zak's pov
I had just finished packing everything from the kitchen. All I had to do now was pack my clothes, and I'd be ready to go. I walked into the hallway, making sure to recheck the rooms i walked passed, just incase i missed something. Making it to my room, i walked in and took a quick look around. It was mostly empty. My setup had been put into a box, already sitting out in my car. My bed was gone, along with the merch and other stuff i had been working on. I took a step forward to my closet. I saved this part for last since it would be the quickest to pack.
In my closet, i have about 3 shirts, 5 pairs of pants, and around 10 hoodies—I always stayed caught up with my laundry, so I never really needed anymore clothes than this.

I grab a small-ish box I had set aside beforehand, and starting to pack my jeans. Then, i took my hoodies off the hanger, and packed those too. Finally, I unhung my shirts, folded them somewhat neatly, and put them in the box as well. I taped the box shut, and carried it to my car.

I did one final check around my house to make sure i didn't miss anything. Once I was sure I had everything, I put the rent papers on the counter.
I shoved my phone into my pocket, then headed out the front door. I closed and locked the door behind me, putting the key under the mat, as my landlord told me to do previously when I told him about the move.

I got into my car, put my key into the ignition, and started it... I texted darryl I was on my way; putting my phone into my pocket right after. I pulled out of the driveway, and onto the main road. I had 10 long hours of driving ahead of me. "here goes nothing.."


Darryls POV (Same time as that ^)
I was woken up abruptly from Lucy, otherwise knows as Rat, licking my face. "good morning Rat, are you hungry?" the small dog barked, and began to wag her tail.

I forced myself to sit up, stretching for a second, before following Rat to the kitchen. I poured dog food into Rat's bowl, like every morning, before making my way to the fridge. I grabbed an apple, taking bites out of it.

Once I was done eating, I threw away the apple's core, and headed towards my bathroom. I turned the water on, waiting a second for it to warm up. Once it did, I grabbed a towel from the closet in there, and placed it gently onto the bathroom counter. I took my shirt off, then my pants, and soon after, my boxers. I stepped into the shower, allowing myself to stand there for a second, trying to wake myself up more.

(after the shower)

I turned off the faucet, and carefully stepped out. I walked over the the small counter, and grabbed my towel. I rubbed it in my hair for a second, as a small attempt to dry it. Once I finished, I quickly tied the towel around my waist. I grabbed my dirty clothes, and exited the bathroom.

Once in my bedroom, I threw my clothes, from the night before, into my laundry basket. I made my way to the closet, picking out a dark red hoodie, and some blue jeans. After getting dressed, I walked over and grabbed my phone off the charger. Zak had sent me a message. "on my way !"

I smiled to himself.. I finally get to meet the man I had fallen in love with so many years ago. I would never admit that to him though, he was straight. I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship over something as small as a crush I had grew. I didn't want to lose him. Even though I was nervous, I told myself it would be alright in the long run. I smiled, and thought to myself. "here goes nothing.."

Darryl's house ☁︎︎


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