𝙼𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝟸

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Art by [ Skiidawn ] on twitter !

Zak's pov
After 10 long hours of driving, I finally made it to Darryls place. Our place? Idk. I parked in front of the house; it's a decent size, definitely bigger than my old one. I get out of the car, and slowly make my way to the door. "deep breath Zak...it's okay, you're just meeting your best friend for the first time.." I knocked on his door; it opened almost instantly.

"sGeppy!" Darryl said, happily, pulling me into a hug. I don't know why, but it made me feel all warm inside. I smiled and hugged him back.

𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆𝗹𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃
I hugged Zak. I felt him smile and it made me blush slightly. He pulled away. "you're kinda short" I said, jokingly. He scoffed. "Would you like help with your bags?"

"yes please!" Zak smiled. I walked with him to his car, and grabbed some boxes, he did as well. We walked back into my house, and I led him to wear his soon-to-be room is. "Woah, this is bigger than my old house!" Zak said, setting the boxes in his hand onto the floor. "Thank you do much, Bad!" Zak smiled, and hugged me; I melted into his touch. We pulled away, and went back outside to finish bringing his boxes inside.

Once we finished, I left Zak be to unpack his stuff. I went to the kitchen and decided to make him some dinner.


No ones pov
Darryl decided to make spaghetti, hoping Zak would like it. Zak had finished unpacking his set up, and bed stuff. He decided to take a break, and headed out to the kitchen. "watcha' cooking?"

"Spaghetti!" Zak sat down at the table; Darryl brought him a plate of food. Soon grabbing for himself one and sitting next to the smaller boy.

Zak took a small bite, "Holy shit bad-"


"right sorry, but this is amazing! you're cooking for me forever" Zak laughed.

"well, thank you, muffinhead" Zak smiled, along with Darryl. They continued to eat.


Once they were done eating, Darryl grabbed their dishes and washed them in the sink. "I think i'm going to try to go to bed, night Darryl"

Darryl blushed at the fact Zak said his real name, "Goodnight Z- Zak!" Once Darryl heard Zak's door close, he put his head in his hands and started to blush like crazy.

He regained his composer, and made his way to his room. He changed into some pj's and laid down. He was about to head to sleep, but he heard a knock at his bedroom door. "B-bad..."

"yes skeppy?"

"can i come in..?"

"yeah?" Zak walked into Darryls room, he was crying.

"S-skeppy?! What's wrong?" Darryl sat up quickly, as the smaller boy walked towards him.

"I- i'm sorry.. I don't do good with new places, c-can I sleep in here tonight?" Zak was now in front of Darryl.

"o-of course! Here" Darryl scooted over, leaving room for Zak to lie down. He got into the bed, and Darryl laid down next to him, then moved his body to face towards him. "Goodnight skeppy.."

"g-goodnight" Zak replies. He turned to face Darryl, and cuddled into his chest. This action made Darryl blush, but went with it in order to keep the younger boy happy. He put his arm around Zak, soon both of them drifted off to sleep.


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