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Art from [ astrospinkv0id ] on twitter !

Zak's POV
I wake up to the sound of glass dropping somewhere in the house. I sit up and take a quick look around, this isn't my room? Oh right, I slept in Darryls room with him last night. Wait, Darryl? I looked down to the other half of the bed. empty.

I pull myself out of bed and walk into the hall. "Darryl??" no response. I walk into the living room, no one.I walk into the kitchen, still no one. That's odd..I take a step forward. "FUCK-" I look down, i stepped on many shards of glass which varied in sized. My foot started to bleed while I starting to silently cry; this was not how i expected to start my morning.

"are you okay muffin?!" I turn to look at Darryl, but i can barely see him from the tears in my eyes.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, i was getting stuff to clean that up, here-"

"aH" He picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head into his neck.

"don't worry, i'm not gonna drop you, my muffin" I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.. Darryl sits me on the couch, then crouches down in front of me. He wipes the tears from my eyes and gives me a whole heartily smile. "Let's get this glass out of your foot, it might hurt a little bit, just let me know if it's too much" He starts to pull pieces of glass out of my foot, i flinch every now and then, but not too bad.

He finally finished. "that wasn't too bad...still hurt though"

"Let me go clean up that glass, then i'll make us some breakfast, okay?" He gets up and walks to the kitchen.


I'm watching netflix when a plate of eggs and toast are set in front of me. I look up, Darryl was humming to himself, seemingly lost in his own little world. He sat next to me and started eating.
I picked up my plate of food and started to eat too, "Holy shit-"

"Language sGeppy! And what? is it bad?.."

"what? No! it's amazing, how are you THIS good at cooking?" He smiled and it felt as if my heart skipped a beat.

"Thank you" he said, then continued to eat and watch tv; I did the same.


We finished eating, Darryl was in the living room watching tv, i was in the kitchen washing our dishes; i thought it would be the right thing to do since he was kind enough to make us breakfast. My thoughts felt as if they were everywhere.. What the hell was i feeling earlier. What is wrong with me? Me and bad are just friends, nothing more. I'm straight.

I remember something my mom told me before, write down my thoughts so i can remember them, and look over them later. Maybe i'll try that. I quickly finished dishes and walked into my room; i grabbed an empty notebook, a sharpy, and a pencil. With the sharpy, i wrote "Zak's Thoughts". I flipped to the first page and wrote down some notes.

Once i felt i had written down enough, i closed the notebook and put it away. I walked back out to the living room and sat next on the couch. I focused my attention to the tv and begun to watch whatever Darryl had put on earlier.


I don't even know how long it's been. Darryl and I had been binge-watching anything and everything on Netflix. I felt quite hungry.. I checked the time to see it was 5:49 pm. I poked Darryl. "what Skeppy?"

"Am hungry, also, call me Zak, we aren't filming or anything"
he smiled.

"Alright Zak, what do you want to eat?"

"Can we order chinese?" He nodded, yayyy :)

"There's actually a place down the street, we can walk there and get our food, then head back and eat it here, alright?"

"okay, let me go get shoes!" I walked into my room, putting on socks and shoes. I've never seen much around here, so this would also give me a good chance to see around the neighborhood some more.

"Zak come on"

"Coming!" I walk out into the living room, Darryl is standing by the door, he looks amazing....what?

"Let's go, i already prepared our order, it should be ready when we get there" I nodded. I made my way over to him, smiled, then walked out the door, him following closely behind. He locks the door, and we begin to walk in the direction on the restaurant.


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