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Art by [ camibridgee ] on twitter !

Zak's POV
It was about an hour after the livestream, I was currently sitting on my bed while scrolling through twitter on my phone.

Knock Knock

I turn my head slightly to face the door, "come in" Darryl walked in. He opened his mouth to say something, but then stopped and thought for a moment. "Whatcha thinking about baldi?"

"Im not bald! You can see my hair." He point to the top of his head.

"Huh, so there is—Is it as soft as your lips?" He paused for a moment, then started to blush.
i stood up and walked in front of him, carefully i intertwined my hands in his hair, I smiled, "It is" He put his hand on top of mine, and slowly moved my hands out of his hair. "awe" i frowned. He looked at me for a moment,

"you're wrong, you know"

"what do you mea-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I was shocked, i was gonna pull away but..it was nice? I brought up my hand and cupped his face, he put his hands down and held me gently around my waist. The kiss was sweet, every emotion seeming to be pushed into this kiss. It wasn't full of lust, it was full of love. I could tell he's wanted this for a while, and a part of me thinks that deep down.. i did too. We pulled away, but still stayed in each other's arms, staring into each other's eyes "I- I guess i was wrong"

"Mhm, now, there's pizza in the living room, come onnn" He let go and started to walk to the living room.

"I- I'll be right there!" I walked over to my desk. I grabbed my notebook out of my drawer. I pulled out a notebook with the words Zak's Thoughts on it. I haven't wrote in this since the first day i was here.


Uh hello Journal,
I still don't know how to really write these? So, that's great. Uhm. Today was eventful,

I woke up in bed with Darryl, I remember falling asleep in there, it felt right; like I was meant to be there. It felt like home in there, with him.
He makes me feel at home.

We did a stream of truth or dare, many weren't that eventful or important, except the last one. The person dared us to kiss. I have him a quick kiss as a joke, was it a joke?

He came in earlier. We had a small make out session. No, it wasn't sexual, it was full of love, compassion, emotion, it seemed to be everything.

It felt like it was everything.

I shouldn't be thinking like this, right? Me and Darryl are nothin but friends.. just really good friends. Friends kiss friends.. right?

Alright well, he's calling me to the living room for pizza. I'll write back soon,


I put my notebook back into the drawer, then made my way to the living room. It looked different. Darryl seemed to notice my confusion, "i brought us out pillows and blankets, I thought we could watch a movie while we eat" He smiled. Who could say no to that?

"yeah okay! What movie?"

"ermm, I don't know, i haven't figured that out yet"

"oh" I walked over and sat on the opposite side of the couch. He suggested a horror movie, I was iffy about it at first, but soon agreed—To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of horror movies.


Every time a scare popped up, or i felt nervous, i buried my face into my blanket. Darryl seemed to notice.. He put his arm around me and scooted me towards him, I was practically on top of him, everytime a scare popped up, i buried my face into his neck or chest, anywhere to hide the movie from my view. Everytime I did this, he gently rubbed my back in an attempt to keep me calm. It worked.

This is what i meant earlier, when I was writing in my book. He makes me feel safe, and loved, like this is where I belong. When I lived alone, I only had a house, just a building that I used to shelter myself from rain, but this place, it's my home. He makes it feel like home.

I sit up slightly, and look at him, i noticed more of his features, i seemed to admire them more. He had beautiful emerald green eyes, soft hair, soft lips, the perfect jawline. It feels like everything is perfect to me now. It's the only word i can think of to describe anything, him especially. He turned towards me. "You okay muffin?" I learned forward and kissed him again, he seemed shocked for a moment, but soon kissed back. Our lips moved in sync, I was sat on him, his hands around my waist, my arms on his shoulders and around his neck. Our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. It was perfect, we were perfect.

Just perfect.


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