𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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credit to { bumble1ee } on twitter!

A loud ringing sound filled the room.. Zak groaned from the noise awakening him, and moved his hand around the bed until he felt his phone. He answered the call, not bothering to check the caller id. "h-hello? who is this?"

"What do you mean who is this, you muffin? Wait.. Did I wake you?"

"yeah.." Zak yawns.

"o-oh my goodness! i'm so sorry!"

"it's fine bad.. what time is it?"

"oh! it's 9:14, why?"

"why are you calling me so earlyy?" Zak asked in a whiny voice

"oh my goodness! i had a question" The call went silent as Darryl cleared his throat, and took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me? it's fine if not, i would totally understand! it's just, we're best friends, and my roommates moved out, and it's gotten really lonely-" Darryl started to ramble.

"Bad! calm down!" Zak laughed. "of course i'll move in with you! i've been trying to find somewhere else to stay anyways, this house isn't the best for me"

"yay! I cant wait to see you, my little muffin!" That comment made Zak smile. "alright well, i need to go take rat on a walk! Can we talk more about this later?"

"yeah sure..BYE" Zak screamed obnoxiously, then proceeded to hand up. He laid his phone back on his bed, then got up and walk over to his closet. He took off his shorts and put on some loose jeans; putting on his favorite light blue hoodie afterwards. He walked back over to his bed, grabbed his phone, and walked out into the hallway.

Zak had a small, slightly old house. The front door connected to the living room, which was small, only having enough room for a couch, tv stand, a tv (obviously), and a little extra walking room; connecting to that was the kitchen. it was a decent size, having enough room for all the essentials. Next to that was two other rooms, plus a bathroom. One room, Zak had used for his bedroom, only consisting of a bed, closet, some merch, and other Youtube related stuff he was working on: The other room was used as an office. it had a table, a gaming set up, and a bunch of fan-mail and packages that his fans were kind enough to send him.

 it had a table, a gaming set up, and a bunch of fan-mail and packages that his fans were kind enough to send him

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Zak made his way into the kitchen, making a small bowl of cereal. He sat down at the table, took a quick bite of his food, then posted a tweet.

 He sat down at the table, took a quick bite of his food, then posted a tweet

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