Chapter 2. Welp, It Happened Again

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June 10, 2017. 3:00 PM.

Ow. Just ow. I feel bad for the bad guys. Those widow stings really sting. So, water powers. Maybe that's why I like the color blue so much.



"Oh good! You're awake!" Nat smiles. "Your eyes are back to brown." She notes, a puzzled look on her face.

"Cool. Yeah, I'm awake. Those sting. How bad was it? The damage done to the building?" I ask.

"Not much. Nobody drowned, a few desk chairs washed away and there's a window busted. Nothing major. You want some food? Vision and Wanda are making paprikash."

"What's paprikash?"


"I'll try it."

"I have no idea what's in this, but it's not paprika." Wanda chuckles. "I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in twenty."

"Can I come with?" I ask.

"Alternatively, we could order a pizza?" Vision steps in front of Wanda.

"I'm down for pizza!" I chime in.

"Vision, are you not letting me leave?" Wanda asks.

"Wanda, if you want, I can go get the paprika. I have my drivers license, you know." I smile.

"It is a question of safety." Vision droops.

"Wanda and I will be fine. Remember the mission where everyone was 'in immediate danger' and 'going to die' and I swooped in and did your job in a half hour?" I ask.

"Not your safety." Nat looks at me sadly.

"Tony would like to avoid the possibility of a public incident." Vision says. "Until the Accords are on a more secure foundation."

"This is my fault." I realize. "If I had kept calm, this wouldn't have happened. If I had kept my cool, we could all go outside."

"What's going on?" Vision points to the ground.

"Hey. Look at me." Nat says. "This is not your fault. This is a precaution. Steve, Bucky, and Sam are off in London doing who knows what. You have powers that you can't control. Until you can get a handle on them, you have to stay at compound."

"Powers?" Wanda asks.

"So you didn't tell them." I notice. "At the Accords signing, I lost my cool and water started pouring form the ceiling. Nat turned off the water and it kept flowing. It was me. The water came from me. I have water powers. Apparently, my eyes turn blue when I use them." I explain.

"You have to calm down. You're going to flood the building." Nat says.

"Flood the building?" I ask. The water's still rising.

"Ah! I shouldn't have said that." Nat face palms.

"Widow stings. All of them please." I say, holding my hand out.

"No. You were out cold all day. You can't keep doing that. It might affect your brain." Nat argues.

"I don't care. Hand me a widow sting."

"Not happening."

"Wanda. Punch me in the face." I say.

"What? No! I'm not punching you!" She responds.

"Vision! Punch me. I don't know how to stop the water on my own. Punch. Me." I say, sternly.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." He replies.

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