Chapter 4. What Is With People Not Telling Me Things?!

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June 13, 2017. 3:00 PM.

"Hey guys! I'm home!" I shout, walking through the front door of Avengers Compound.

"Alina!!" Peter shouts, swinging from the ceiling to in front of me.

"Hey Peter! Miss me?" I ask.

"How could I not? Training go ok?"

"Let's go on patrol later and you can see for yourself." I smile. "Meanwhile, do you know where your dad is?"

"I think he's in the lab. I'm not sure because, honestly, I just got home a few minutes ago."

"Cool. Want to come with?"


"So, what's been going on while I've been in LA? Please tell me that everyone's still alive and at least 90%."

"Yes, everyone's ok. Not much has happened. Nat freaks out a bit when she realizes that you're in LA alone. Clint has had to stay at compound to help talk to her."

"That bad, huh?"

"That bad. Did you get to go to Disney?"

"No. I rarely went out of the base. The SHIELD base is super cool though. The director has a robot hand! Not Fury though. Apparently, he died when SHIELD fell a few years ago. He's obviously not dead, but he's undercover. And, to protect his cover, Nick Fury is dead. Except he's alive. But at the same time he's dead and alive. But to some people, he's just dead. Like, dead dead. Does that make sense?" I ask.

"I get the idea."

"Hey Tin Can." I say, walking into the lab.

"Hey! It's Water Girl!" Tony grins.

"'Water Girl'? What happened to Blueberry?" I ask.

"Eh, nothing. You called me Metal Man and Tin Can. I'm calling you Water Girl and Blueberry." Tony responds.

"That's fair. And I promise, I'm not going to drown anyone. I mean, not you guys. Bad guys, maybe. Good guys, not unless I absolutely have to."

"Yep. So, since the Avengers are on hiatus, you taking me up on that job offer?"

"Wait, what job offer?" Peter asks.

"Oh, Tony asked if I wanted to work for him. I'm thinking about it. That doesn't mean that I'll do it. I need to be sure. In the meantime, can you organize a press conference? I have things I need to say. Think, your speech that you made when you declared that you were Iron Man. Can you organize one of those? And possibly say something first so that they know to listen? I'm sick and tired of people not listening to me because I'm a teenage girl." I explain.

"Yeah." Stark says, turning on the computer.

"Ok, you have a conference scheduled for six. That gives you two hours and fifteen minutes. Prepare a speech, don't prepare a speech, it doesn't matter. Anything specific on your mind?" Tony asks.

"Just feel the urge to apologize for what happened at the Accords signing. That, and some other stuff. I'm going to go get ready." I say, walking out of the lab.

"Hello all! Thank you for coming here on such short notice. As you all know, there was a slight fiasco at the Sokovia Accords signing three days ago. I can promise that it won't happen again. We at the Avengers have taken care of the sit-"

I cut Tony off by kicking him in the shin from where I'm standing behind him.

"Ow. And now, one of my fellow Avengers would like to come up and say a few words. That's what this is all about! Everyone, give it up for Alina Romanoff!" Tony shouts, grinning and clapping. He steps away from the podium and motions for me to take his place.

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