Chapter 5. Life Sucks So I'm Gonna Take A Nap

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June 14, 2017. 12:00 PM.

Well, this is not how I expected today to go. I thought I could have a day to chill out with my family. I got the exact opposite. My family is being split apart over the Sokovia Accords. I'm currently sitting in an airport in Germany, waiting for the fight of my life.

At least, one that will change my life drastically.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony asks, looking at Rhodey.

"Definitely weird." He responds.

"Hear me out, Tony. The doctor, the physiatrist, he's behind all of this." Cap starts. Then, T'Challa jumps in, wearing his Black Panther suit.

"Captain." He nods.

"Your highness." Steve acknowledges.

"I'm bringing you in." Tony says.

"I don't think so."

"Bucky killed innocent people. He killed my parents. The only thing stopping me from killing you here and now is the fact that Peter and Alina are probably listening."

"Sup dudes." I say, jumping out of my hiding place and landing between Steve and Tony.

"Alina. Thanks." Steve says.

"Eh, go too far and I'll kill you myself. You remember going under the ice all those years ago?" I ask.

"What's your point?"

"We don't want a repeat of that." I say, making a ball of water about the size of a basketball.

"Is this one of your illusions?" Rhodey asks.

"Nope. You didn't listen to yesterday's press conference?" I ask.

"Last time Tony hosted a press conference it didn't go well." He explains.

"Steve. You know what's going to happen." Nat starts. "Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?"

"Alright, let's get this over with. Spidey!" I shout. Peter jumps out of his hiding place, webs Cap's shield and hands, then sticks his landing on a truck.

"Heyo!" Peter shouts.

"Steve. You're an idiot. Dragging in Clint, 'rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't want to leave, a safe place." Tony says angrily. Clint and Wanda are here? I can't see them. Then, they walk out from behind a building.

"I left on my own account, Stark." Wanda says.

"Retirement got boring." Clint shrugs.

"I'm trying to keep you both from tearing the Avengers apart. Cap. Tony. We all know that for the majority of us, this here, this is our family. This is all we have. I signed the Accords. I'll follow the rules, but if I have to do something that is wrong, I won't do it. I don't care if I end up in jail. I don't care if I end up dead. It's better that a world where I have to choose between two sides of my family. This job, this family, it's all I have. I'm begging you both, stop this madness and let's talk it out over some coffee and brunch. I know a great buffet not far from here!" I smile.

"Alina. I'm sorry, but we can't do that. You have to pick a side. There's no loopholes in this. There's no way that we can all be happy." Steve says.
"You're done. You will turn Barnes over and come with us now because it's us or a squad of military people who are this close to having orders to shoot to kill on sight." Tony says.

Then, Steve holds his hands above his head when Clint shoots an arrow, effectively getting the webs off.

"Guys, something-" Peter starts, but is cut off by a little bug on Cap's shield grows into a full size human.

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