Chapter 15. The End

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September 12, 2018. 1:30 PM.

"There's too many of them!" Bruce shouts. He's being swarmed by demodogs.

Then, a giant stream of light comes from the sky and scares the demodogs off of Bruce. Something I can't make out chops the demogorgons that Steve was fighting in half and the ones that were swarming Bruce in half. The light fades and I see three figures.

"Ha! You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce shouts after his helmet retreats back into his suit.

"Sup big bro?" I ask.


"You are Loki's older brother. I am Loki's younger sister. I have adopted you both as my brothers. Heh, I have siblings now! Anyways, Thor, you're like, 1500 years old and I am seventeen."

"Ah. That explanation makes much more sense. I like you much more than my older sister." Thor smiles.

"Older sister?" I ask.

"Yes. Hela. She tried to take over Asgard. To defeat her, we had to cause Ragnarok. Asgard was destroyed and Valkyrie and I are some of the last Asgardians."

I don't say anything, I just give Thor a hug.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"It's called a hug. People give hugs here on Midgard." I say.

"I enjoy this hug." He smiles.

"Alina, don't tell me you forgot about us." Rocket says.

"How could I?" I ask, letting go of Thor. "It's my favorite talking raccoon and tree. I am Groot." I smile. 'Hello'

"I am Groot!" Groot responds. "I am Groot?" 'Hiya! You speak Groot?'

"I am Groot. I am Groot!" I reply. 'Yes, I do. I learned it on Asgard!'

"Rocket, you ready to shoot some stuff?" I ask.

"Heck yeah!" He shouts.

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor shouts, storming towards Thanos' minions. Thor flies up and lightning appears.

"Woah!" I grin. Thor just took out a crud ton of demodogs!

"Impressive, right, sister?" Thor asks.

"Yeah! Hey, check this out!" I grin. I shoot a blast of water and five demodogs get sent backwards about twenty feet.

"What magic is that?" Thor asks.

"It's a long story!" I smile. "I have water powers now!"

"Hey, cut the chit chat. We're trying to save the world, not have a conversation." Steve says over coms.

"Roger that, Rogers." I say.

"Why couldn't I have stayed on vacation?" Bucky groans.

I have about ten demodogs on me. Easy peasy. I ignite my lightsabers and swiftly stab two in the heart. Eight more. I swing and two heads fall to the ground. Six. I roundhouse kick one and it face plants on a rock. I stab one in the eye with my saber. Four. I use my water powers and put water over the remaining four, drowning them.

"Sweet! It worked!" I grin.

"What worked?" Nat asks.

"I just drowned something on dry land!" I reply.

"That's my girl." Nat chuckles.

"Come and get some, space dogs!" Rocket shouts, shooting five in the face. Bucky picks Rocket up with his metal arm and holds a rifle in his normal one. He spreads his arms wide and spins in a circle. The two shoot all the demodogs that surround them. That's genius.

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