Chapter 14. The Middle Of The End

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September 11, 2018. 4:30 PM.

"Seriously?" Steve asks.

"Oh yeah." I smirk.

"Was that needed?"


"Could you have at least gotten Starbucks for everyone?" Rhodey asks.

"Nah, I don't carry around two hundred at once." I smile.

"Ha ha." Wanda says sarcastically.

"And, it'd be a nightmare to bring home. Coffee spilling everywhere, cookies getting crumbled and the like." I say.

Nat and I are sitting in the conference room, chilling and munching on our treats and drinking coffee.

"Hey, wheels up in thirty." Sam says.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Wakanda." Nat responds. "You didn't unpack your bags, right?"

"Not yet." I respond.

Well, we're going to Wakanda. It'll be nice to see Shuri again. And T'Challa, I guess. Oh and Bucky. He decided to take a vacation in Wakanda to chill out after the whole 'Tony tried to murder him and Steve' thing. In Tony's defense, Bucky killed his parents, Steve knew about it and didn't say, and Steve and Bucky were also trying to kill or seriously injure Tony. Jeez, that's messed up.

8:30 AM. September 12.

"Hey, Lina. Wake up." I hear as someone shakes my shoulder.

"Huh? What time is it?" I ask, groggily.

"Almost nine." Wanda replies.

"It took five hours to fly from New York to Wakanda?" I ask, confused.

"Sure." Bruce says.

"Actually, it took a total of twenty hours to reach Wakanda." Vision says.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Since 2." Steve explains.


"Look alive. We're here." Sam says.

The ramp opens and we're greeted by the Dora Milaje, T'Challa, and Shuri.

"Alina!" She grins.

"Shuri!" I smile through the pain. Peter's in space with Tony and Strange, my fault. Loki's dead. Not my fault, but I could've done something. Thanos has the Time Stone. If he gets the Soul and Mind Stones, it's game over for half the universe.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve says, shaking T'Challa's hand.

"How big of an assault should we expect?" T'Challa asks.

"I'd say a pretty big one. Thanos will stop at nothing to get the Mind Stone. If it means he has to lose his entire army, so be it. T'Challa," I start, "I hope you realize that this could be devastating for Wakanda. You rule this kingdom. Are you prepared for the consequences that this fight will ensure?"

"Alina, there is no need to worry. We have you, your mother, Captain Rogers, Dr. Banner, the War Machine, the Falcon, the king's guard, the border tribe, the Dora Milaje, myself, and..." He trails off and looks towards a door that opens.

"Another hundred year old man." Bucky smiles and Steve goes to hug him.

"Hey, Okoye, you got your Starbucks." Shuri smiles.

"It's not just me! It's not just me!" I grin.

"You call them Starbucks too?" Shuri asks.

"And Barnes and Noble!" I smile.

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