Chapter 4: Thanks For Ruining Dinner~

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After a 20 minute drive, Vic pulled into the parking lot of an Olive Garden. We got out the car and walked inside. The place wasn't really busy, which was a good thing...I don't do well around people. A bubbly blond hostess came over and smiled.

"Hi, how many?"

"Three." Vic said, putting his arm around my mom's waist. I shot him a warning look, but him or mom didn't see it.

The hostess nodded and said "Alright, please follow me!"

We followed her around the table, until she stopped in front of an empty booth.

We sat down and she said "Alright, you waiter will be right with you, what would you like to drink?"

"Water please." I said, looking up at her. She smiled and wrote it down and said "Alright, how about you?" She asked mom and Vic. Vic said "Yeah waters just fine with me." And my mom said "Yeah, me too." She wrote it down and said "Alrighty I'll be right back with those, and your waiter will be right with you!" And she walked off.

We sat in silence for a minute until Vic said "So Kellin...Are you excited to start school on Monday?" Today was Friday, so I still had time to relax before I had to go to a new hell....Great. I shrugged and said "Not really...School isn't my thing."

before the hostess came back with our waters. We thanked her when she put them down, and she walked away.

"Well I think you'll have fun at Clairmont High...It's not that big of a school, but I think you'll really like it." I nodded and mumbled "Suuure." before taking a sip of my water. After our waiter came and took our orders, we once again found ourselves in awkward silence.

And after our food came, I just looked down and picked at my food. I'm a Vegan, so I'm obviously very picky about my food. But luckily Olive Garden does include my pickiness, so I'm happy....Just not with a douchebag sitting in front of me.

"Why'd you pick that Kellin? Trying to turn into a Giraffe?" Vic asked, finally breaking the silence. I looked up at him, my eyebrow raised, giving him my 'Really?' Look. I rolled my eyes and said "Yes Vic, I've always wanted to be a Giraffe, so I'm gonna eat like one until I turn into one."


Mom glared at me and said "Kellin, be nice..It was just a joke. I forgot to tell him you were a Vegan." I sighed and said "Whatever." Before going back to eating. But then I stopped and asked "What else have you told him about me, mom?"

Vic looked at mom and she said "Sweetheart, I wouldn't tell him anything you wouldn't feel comfortable telling." I wasn't convinced, but I decided to just let it go, before I get pissed off.

We remained in silence throughout the dinner, before Vic spoke up. "Look Kellin, I can tell you don't like me...But I really want this to work out between us, because you've gone through some bad stuff...Your mom told me about your dad, and I just want-"

My head snapped up and I said "You told him about dad?!" Glaring at mom, slightly drawing some attention towards us. She said "Sweetie, I told him about what happened a few weeks after we started dating...It's no big deal-"

"No big deal, how can you say that?! You think that what happened was no big deal?!"

"Kellin please-"

"No shut up douchebag, I don't wanna hear you speak!" I yelled, now drawing the attention of pretty much everyone in the restaurant.

"You could never replace my dad, so stop faking the whole nice guy thing!" I looked at my mom and asked "Do you know how much you hurt me when I found out you were dating again? Especially when I tried to kill myself?! I wanted to kill myself while I was under suicide watch! But you just cared about yourself and dated this asshole!"

I heard my own voice crack and felt tears in my eyes. I saw tears in her eyes and saw her lips quivering.

"Kellin-" she said, trying not to cry. "Sweetheart please-"

"Don't..Just don't." I quickly wiped away a tear rolling down my cheek with the back of my hand, and said "I'm going to the car...Thanks for ruining dinner."

With that, I stormed out of the building, and walked back to the car. I climbed in the back seat, slammed the door shut, and started crying...I hate him...I hate him so much.

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