Chapter 6: Blowing Off Steam~

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(The Next Day~)

When I woke up after sleeping only an hour, I didn't want to move. I didn't want to sleep, I didn't want to be seen...I didn't want to breathe. But sadly I was interrupted by my door opening.

"Time to get up Kellin...It's noon." Vic said. I didn't respond and just stared straight at the wall.

"Look Kellin, your mom is working right now, so you need to get up. You can't just lie in bed all day."

A tear rolled down my cheek and I asked "Why not? Nothing matters anymore....My best friend just walked out of my life..I don't want to be alive right now."

He sighed and walked over to the bed. He yanked the sheets off of me and I yelled "What the hell?!"

"I told you to get the fuck up!"

"Fuck you!"

"So your friend left you, so what? I've had tons of people I cared about, walk out on me! My brother and your mom, are pretty much the only ones I have left!"

"Gee nice to know I mean so much to you!"

I got up, walked past him, but was spun around and pushed up against the wall again.

"Seriously?! If you keep doing this, I'll fucking call the cops on you!"

"I'm starting to get real sick of your attitude, boy...I'm trying to make things work, but you're being a little bitch."

My jaw dropped..He just called me a bitch? Oh hell no.

I shoved him away from me and yelled "DO NOT EVER CALL ME A BITCH, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

I walked up to him and slapped him across the face, before saying "And stay the fuck away from my mom..You hurt her, I hurt you." Before storming downstairs, and out the front door.

I had no idea where I was going, but I needed to get away from him. I walked until I saw what looked like downtown, and sat down in front of a random brick building.

I sighed and hugged my knees to my chest, and cried. I sat there for a few minutes until I heard someone ask "Hey, are you okay?"

I jumped a little and looked up to see two guys standing there...They looked liked they were my age, and they were both holding hands.

"Sorry for scaring you, but we just wanted to know if you're okay...I'm Alex, and this is my boyfriend Jack."

I wiped the tears away and said "I'm Kellin.."

Alex sat down on the ground beside me, and Jack on the other side of me. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Jack asked.

I sighed and told them what happened...and what happened with Vic and I today.

"Aww honey, I'm so sorry." Alex said, putting his arm around me, in a side hug. "Don't cry, it's okay." I smiled a little and said "Thank you...Hey is it okay if I can hang out with you guys? I don't wanna go back there.."

They both smiled and Alex said "Of course! We don't care! We could show you around and stuff!" I smiled and asked "R-Really?"

Jack said "Yeah dude! We don't want you to be sad! Come onnnn let's goooooo!" He grabbed me by my hand and we were off...I made some new friends.


(5 Hours Later~)

We spent half the day walking around town, while Jack and Alex showed me everything..Then we just went to the park and hung out there for a long time. I got to know them and I found out they both go to the same school I'm going to on Monday. They told me that their friends would love me, and I'd fit in with them, just great.

Now I was really excited to go to school on Monday, so I could hang out with them...And so I could get away from Vic. Speaking of which, the last time I checked my phone, I've received tons of calls and texts from both Vic and my mom...I'm dead.

I walked with Jack and Alex back to the house, and sighed. "Well...I guess I gotta go now...Fuck, they're gonna kill me." And now that I see my moms car is in the driveway, that makes it worse.

Jack patted my back and said "Don't worry bud, you'll be okay..It was nice meeting you, see ya Monday." They gave me their numbers and said bye again, before they walked off. I took a deep breath and walked towards the house...Let's do this.

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