Chapter 7 A Trip to the Hospital

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I woke up in a hospital bed, quite drowsy and very confused. "Sis, you're up!" Kevin exclaimed, putting his arms around me.

"What's going on?" I demand. My hands reduced to a lump of coal by my side, not because I don't want to hug him; but it's because I simply can't. I'm too weak.

"You got in an accident at school and they called me. The police are here to question you." He told me, unwrapping his arms from me.

"Why didn't they call mom or dad?" I asked seriously, knowing he's keeping something from me. "And why do I feel so weak?" I asked, gripping my ribcage tightly.

"Angus is in the hospital as well and didn't want our parents to know about it. He wanted them to call you but you were already at the hospital, so I was his other option. Nothing terrible happened to him, just someone punched him. He's getting some food from the hospital right now but should be here soon, especially when he finds out you're awake." He said, in a hurry. "Also, you had surgery for your ribcage because they were in really bad shape. They were bleeding tremendously.

"Why'd he get punched?" Furry was clearly in my voice. "And wow! My ribs were that bad then." I added, a bit shocked.

He nodded, and then glanced at the picture keeping a hold of my blood pressure "Woah, calm down! We don't need your blood pressure rising!" He urged me, his voice was in a panic and I could tell he was really worried about me. That's the last thing I ever wanted to do to my big bro. He's always so kind and caring to me. He always has my back. Sometimes he can be a bit too caring, checking my clothes in my closet at times. He doesn't think that I notice him doing that, but I notice. But, I think it's because he wants to make sure I don't wear anything inappropriate. That time when I wore a crop top and well-fitting skinny jeans -- well, I didn't want to admit it -- but he kept looking at me. It was almost with predator's eyes, but then the other half was with hunger in his eyes -- wait, what! No, this is my brother we are talking about. No, way! -- Maybe, Carter but not Kevin. He loves me, but in a brotherly way. That's as far as things go.

"Why. Did. He. Get. Punched?" I said in a calm voice, breathing clearly after each word.

"Some bullies at school. The bullies were at the principal's office last I heard and they are getting an expulsion. Since there is a strong no fighting policy at his school and from now on the school will keep an eye out for him in case anyone decides to pick on him again. I'll be sure this doesn't happen again!" He told me. "But right now I'm more worried about you."

"I'm doing fine." My voice is a mere whisper, I really shouldn't have yelled before! I am clearly not fine! I can't talk well and my voice is killing me.

"You have a black eye, and a bloody rib cage right now! You are not fine!" He yelled.

"Calm down, big bro!" I whisper, barely being able to talk. Just as Kevin was probably going to give me a big speech about how he won't calm down and about how he can't even think as to why I would say to him to calm down, Angus came in. So, yeah thank you, Angus. I don't know how I can thank you enough.

"Angus, just who I wanted to see. We need to talk." I told him, urgently. I'm pretty sure he knows what is coming because he is extremely nervous. He probably should be.

"Hey Lila, you're awake!" He shouted happily, practically sprinting towards me. He was probably trying to distract me from the issue at hand. But I will not forget so easily; not when I so desperately need to talk to him.

"We need to talk!" I sternly whispered as Angus's arms wrapped around me.

He stopped in the embrace abruptly and looked at me and nodded in understanding. "Give us a minute Kevin?" He told him, looking away from me to Kevin.

"Call me if you need anything, alright?" Kevin asked, looking at me intently with that same look. That same wanting look. God, why do I keep coming to that conclusion that he likes me more than a friend. He doesn't! He obviously doesn't. He's just terribly worried about me. Brothers worry about their sisters all the time. Angus does that too. It's nothing bad. See Lila, you have nothing to worry about. I mean it's not like he doesn't have a reason to worry at this moment in time. I am in the hospital for gosh sakes! I could only manage a weak nod his way. Kevin sent me a sad smile and then left the room.

"I thought we had an agreement that you would tell me if it started to get worse!" I said, breathing deeply. "What happened to that?!" I asked, raising my voice more. Well, I more so screamed as much as I possibly could than anything.

"I was going to, but I got sent to the hospital in case the punch gave me a concussion. So, I kinda couldn't." He explained. He took on a sarcastic tone while gritting. He obviously didn't like my overprotective sister mode. But it's just because I'm worried and I care about him. But I might need to loosen the reins a little and back off just a tiny bit. I mean he is fifteen. I need to trust that he has things under control.

"Do you know why they are doing this to you?" I asked him, worried. I tried to ask him in a better tone of voice. But I was so anxious and scared for my little brother. I hope he knows that I love him and that I just have his best intentions in mind.

"Yeah." He said, shyly and avoiding my eyes. I knew he was hiding something! But what?

"What is it? Come on, you can tell me anything. You know this?" I whisper to him, pleadingly. Come on, come on! I'm practically peeing my pants with anticipation. Not literally, though. Thank god! I already have enough to worry about it. I don't need to add a bladder problem to the list of my worries and problems.

"I'm gay." He said with a blank expression on his face and finally looking up from the floor to meet my eyes.

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