The Out-Crowd

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Do you wanna know what I hate most about people? They think they know everything. Or is that just teenagers?

I absolutely hate that there are labels at my high school. I mean, know one actually 'labels' per say, but there are two crowds.

The in-crowd who appear normal enough and...

My crowd. The out-crowd, I guess you could say. The ones that just don't quite fit the mold.

How did I get in the out-crowd? You might ask.

Well, it's probably because I'm really shy. People don't really talk to shy people, so yeah...

People in the out-crowd

Gwen: Pretty blonde with blue eyes. Stuck-up and mean. I guess that know one likes that anymore.

Jaredina: Brown skinned beauty from the ghetto who is angry and takes that anger on other people.

Fefe: I think the name says it all.

Vick: Parents wanted a boy and so, she has issues with who she is and with that, she could never really fit in.

Tila: Plus-sized. Her mom constantly rags on her about that and because of that, Tila takes that insecurity with her.

Life is complicated, but stick with me people because it's about to get a whole lot more complicated! 

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