Chapter 17 Love and Admiration

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Carter's mom was beautiful and she didn't look mad that her son just had a girl over while she and her wife were gone. In fact, she seemed quite amused and happy at the realization. Maybe even a bit relieved?

She had tan skin and shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair. She had green eyes and was casually dressed with a grape shade of a purple shirt. The fabric was silky, along with plain black leggings and black flats with bows on them. She seemed absolutely warm and inviting, but because of the situation I was in, I was absolutely and completely terrified of what might happen right now.

I mean she was a mother and she had the power to do unspeakable, unimaginable things. Like, for example, call my mother. Ugh! I shuddered at the thought.

"I'm Jean Mathews, Carter's mother." She told me while smiling warmly. She ignored my shaking. Is that a good sign or a bad sign? I smiled back a little nervously and went to introduce myself, but I was abruptly cut off.

"Don't be nervous, or embarrassed for that matter. I did the same thing with my girlfriend at your age as well and then some." She said, wiggling her eyebrows, in a bit of a suggestive manner. I laughed, getting slightly more relaxed than I was before. As I did that I realized something about Carter's mother. She was really cool!

"I'm actually quite relieved," She explained, before continuing on with her explanation. "He never had a girl over before, let alone, me or my wife not knowing about it. He was always well behaved and un-teenager like. I was getting worried." She told me. I laughed. My mom is the opposite. She would be jumping up and down for absolute joy if I was a well-behaved girl who followed her rules all the time, aka, a dog. I guess parents always want the kid you can't have. "And he always did talk about you, Lila." She said, jolting me out of my thoughts, to focus on her. I looked at her out of confusion. How does she know my name? "I know your name, dear because you're the sister of Carter's best friend. I saw some pictures of you and when you were little, you sometimes came to our house with your brother. You probably don't remember, after all, you were about four at that time." She told me. It's like she read my mind. Am I that transparent, I thought to myself. I got to get better at concealing my thoughts.

I mean, what if one day I'm thinking about porn when my parents are in the same room as me and they look at me and just know what I'm thinking. So, they scolded me and ground me. Plus, it's just awkward. How would I explain myself? More importantly, Why am I thinking that my parents will know that I'm thinking about porn? Why would I be thinking about porn in the wake of their presence? The world may never know; I certainly don't.

Anyway, I could not get over how amazing this lady truly is. She makes you feel right at home. "You know how to make the best out of what has the potential to be quite an awkward situation, don't you?" I asked, laughing.

"I try." She told me, shrugging and smirking. God! That darn smirk. Now I know where Carter gets it from. "Come inside, we were just about to have lunch anyways and I want Amanda to get to meet you, too. She's my wife." She told me. Oh, my. She's inviting me in? Does that mean she likes me?

She wants her wife to meet me! Is that a good sign? Like, 'Oh my god. You must meet Lila. Carter picked a good one.' Or is that a bad sign? Like, Oh my god! You must meet Lila. Carter doesn't know how to pick 'em.' "Okay." I smiled warmly at her, despite my nerve wracking thoughts. She opened the door for me to go in and I did.

"Carter, if you have sex with a girl, the least you could do is let her meet your parents. Is that too much to ask?" Another woman, who I can only assume to be Amanda, asked Carter as we came into the family room. I blushed a deep red. Wow! Is that what they think? I mean, I know what it looks like, but we didn't. Can't parents have telepathy and just know when your kid doesn't have sex? Is that too much to ask?

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