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The video up above is called Never Let Her Go by David Gates. I do not own the song or video, but thought it would set the mood for the chapter. Happy reading! Don't forget to vote and comment! I'd really appreciate it! <3 <3 :)

There was this one time when Jaredina had hit this guy with a rock she had found outside the school building.

I remember that day just like it was yesterday. We were all heading back to our homes, when things took a turn for the worst. Jaredina wasn't excited about going home to her mother, but then again, she never really was. I guess she decided to take it out on some poor boy who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I had made sure he was okay and called the nurse. I had managed to stay with him every step of the way, no matter how much my friends had teased me about it. They advised me not to stay with him, but I knew the guy needed me and I was going to be there for him. Nobody was going to stop me from that, not even my 'friends'.

The sad part was that I didn't even know the guy's name. Not a single one of my friends had known that guy's name, not even Jaredina and she's the one who had thrown the rock in the first place.

I never saw him again after that day. I think his parents had taken him out of this school, which I don't blame them for doing after that incident. I'm sure many parents would have done the same thing if a similar incident had occurred to their child and they had the means to take the child out of the school into a better one.

My friends, (excluding Jaredina) had all gotten a suspension for two solid weeks for being bystanders to the incident. Jaredina had gotten expelled for a year and I had gotten detention for a few days for being in that mess to begin with. I'd say I was pretty lucky compared to what the others had all gotten for being involved.

I remember crying for days after that big mess with that poor boy being victim to all of my friend's cruel behaviors. I remember actually locking myself up in my room for a solid week and I would have locked myself up for more than just a week if it hadn't been for Carter who had harassed me until I had gotten some fresh air.

I remember him actually banging on the door for a good two minutes. I counted through my tears. I remember trying not to laugh at his persistence and then laughing anyway.

"Leave her alone. Come on, I got to go to practice today." I heard the faint sound of Kevin's voice outside my hard wooden door, talking to Carter.

I couldn't hear everything that Carter had replied, but I'd heard the gist of it.

"...Can' man." Which had initially led to an argument. I heard a lot of yelling between them. "I'm there for you at every practice and every game! Lila needs me now." Carter yelled at his friend.

I remember thinking, 'what, so you can make fun of me? No thank you.' But, of course I did not speak my thoughts. I was too quiet and shy for that. So, I just rolled my eyes and hoped Carter would hear my eyes rolling from outside my door. He didn't, though, because they kept on arguing for a while.

Anyway, their argument ended up with Carter staying with me and Kevin stomping his feet all the way down the stairs and slamming the door as he left. Such a big baby. If he had kept a girl around for longer than a night, then maybe he wouldn't be going alone today.

I heard a faint whisper of Carter's deep, velvety sigh. I heard Carter's whole backside slump down into one big pile of puddy against my door. I remember my back sliding against the same door, just the other side. I don't know why I did it, but I remember whispering, 'Thank you'.

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