Chapter 16 Stunts and Getting Caught

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We woke up together. No, we didn't have sex. But, we cuddled and just slept together, without doing anything. He's the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

The phone rang yesterday, while we were asleep. That was great, but it was to inform us of Diana. They had reported it to the cops and we had to go to court. Which means we need a lawyer. Needless to say, I'm not really looking forward to that. I didn't want to be a charity case, but I didn't have a choice.

I mean, I didn't want Diana to get away with what she did to me. But, at the same time, I didn't want people to know what I was going through. They had no right to pry into my life. They would either think I was pathetic or look at me, like a sad puppy who doesn't know how to fight her battles. That's not what I wanted. They didn't know anything. Why should they know something now? It's just not fair, but life isn't fair. I suppose.

I have to tell my parents what happened, so we can go searching for a lawyer. Hopefully, they'll be supportive. Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to that conversation. So, naturally, I'm going to postpone it as much as I can.

I look over to the right and see the most amazing guy in the universe. I'm with him. He is mine. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I don't care what anybody says. I just am. I smile from ear to ear. It's been the longest time since I smiled and yet, here I am smiling with a boy who wasn't even trying to make me smile.

Carter slowly opens his eyes and looks at me with those priceless, deep brown eyes. Their hazy and filled with devotion and love and guess what, lady's? Those eyes? All mine. Everything I could have possibly hoped for is right here, lying right next to me. How did I get so lucky? I may never know. "What?" Carter asks as he yawns that deep — I just woke up — yawn.

I smile again. This time, this time it's a soft smile. He smiles back at me. A little confused. I chuckle softly and gaze up at him with the sincerest look in which I could possibly muster. "I just..." I pause and take a deep breath. I avert my eyes, but Carter takes my chin and forces me to look up at him, with the purest expressions.

"I just love you." I finish, looking up at Carter and smiling.

He studies my face, maybe trying to figure out whether or not I am lying. He smiles too. He knows I'm not lying. I can tell in the way he is looking at me. He is looking at me with such loyalty and devotion. He's looking at me, almost like he adores me like nothing could get in between us. I know he's right. I also know my expression is mirroring exactly what his expression is saying.

Just when his lips move to say something, we hear a car pull into the driveway, which naturally makes Carter shut his mouth and get up from the bed and look out the window. "Damn it!" He huffs out in frustration.

"What is it?" I turn to him and get up too, abandoning the comfy bed in my wake. My body protests as I move further away from the bed to get closer to Carter.

"You gotta get out of here. My parents are here." He says, in a rush. "I will definitely let you meet them, later though. It's just I don't think they'd like it if they saw a girl staying in their house, while they were gone." He musters up an explanation, looking around his room trying to think of a way that I could escape without getting caught.

"We didn't do anything though," I say, feeling myself flush at the thought of Carter being inside me.

"I know," Carter says. "But, parents have this sick way of twisting cute, innocent things into prostitution." He shudders at the thought.

I roll my eyes, so dramatic. "Fine. Where do I go?" I ask, looking up at Carter, going with his little 'solution' to something we didn't even do. Boys.

"Jump out the window!" He said, obviously panicking. Seriously. I think to myself, looking out the window. The window?

"Carter we're home!" A woman's voice called out. I'm guessing his mom.

"Coming!" He yelled out to them. "You gotta jump. Now!" He panicked.

"What?!" I asked like he was crazy.

"There's grass out there. It'll soften the fall." He said like it was nothing.

"You're such an ass." I murmured, while I got ready to jump out of his room. I can't believe I'm actually going to go through with this little plan of his. What is wrong with me? What could possibly possess me to go through with this? Probably that I'm a teenager blinded by love. That's got to have something to do with why I am humoring his little ludicrous plan because I love him.

I love this bastard who is currently freaking out over absolutely nothing.

"How much do you love my ass?" He teases me. I roll my eyes. He only hears what he wants too.

"Even in a situation like this, you have the nerve to tease me?" I ask, simply out of disbelief.

"Honey!" Another woman's voice called out. Huh?

"Do you have two moms?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"yeah." He said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned him.

He shrugged. "When most people find out, they're all judgy."

"Well, lucky for you, I'm not like most people." I told him, honestly. Because that's how I felt. "Well, I better go. Call me later. You are so telling me all about them later." I tell him.

"And you call me bossy?" He laughed a soft, deep and cute laugh.

I gave him a pointed look.

"You don't have to ask, I'll always want to call you." He says, firmly. "Now stop stalling and jump." He shoos me.

"Okay, okay!" I say and then swallow up a breath. "If I don't make it out alive, please tell my family that I love them and tell my friends and the police that this is all my fault," I tell Carter.

He sighs a deep, silky sigh. "Yeah, yeah drama queen. Don't think, just do!" Carter dismisses me.

"Angus told me that," I said.

"And who you think he got that from?" He smirked mysteriously.

I looked away from Carter murmuring,"sneaky boy." from under my breath just before I jumped.

'I'm gonna die!', I think to myself, as I fall out of his room. God! This is how it ends.

I kept repeating in my mind as I plummet to my death.

But I didn't, just got badly bruised while landing on the green grass, that they need to mow by the way. Lazy people.

I got up and saw that Carter was looking at me through the window of his room. He mouthed the words, "told you that you'd be okay."

I gave him a soft smile and headed to my house.

The front door opened just then and a woman's voice called out to me. "That was a cool stunt you pulled. Very entertaining." The woman said in an amused voice.

I looked back and saw that it must have been Carter's mother. Either that or a woman in Carter's house, pretending to be Carter's mom. Let's hope it's the second one because if it's the first one, this won't end well for me or Carter.

Uh-oh. We are both utterly and completely doomed.

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