Chapter 13 Why Me?

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"Hey, Lila." She smiled sweetly at me. She definitely has something up her sleeve. That is the only time she ever smiles sweetly. She's gonna tear me apart. No doubt about it. My breath caught in my throat. "Hi." I forced a fake smile and walked off in a hurry. Hopefully, she just wanted to say hi, and the sweet smile was just a coincidence. That's it. It was just a coincidence.

"Not so fast." She ran after me, not caring if anyone saw what she was doing. She viciously took hold of my wrist and slammed her weight against me. She found a wall and took advantage of it, slamming my body in that wall.

"Ahh-" I started to scream, but she covered her hand around my mouth. I bit her hand. She put it away and then I kicked her in the stomach. She let go of me, gripping her stomach. I made a run for it. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't care who saw it. All I knew was that I had to get out of there. I just had too.

I thought I was safe, but someone grabbed me just as I was about to exit out of the store. Tila. Great. She held me down. People were looking at us, but Tila just smiled at them and they went back to whatever they were doing. Jerks. She let go of everything but my hand. I tried to pull away, but her grip was too strong. Just as I started to open up my mouth to scream, I saw Jaredina and she was bolting towards me. Before I could even register what she was doing, masking tape covered up my mouth.

Tila quickly yanked my arm toward the dressing rooms before anyone could see me. Tila shoved me into a dressing room. Jaredina came in after dismissing Tila, telling her that her service wasn't needed anymore. Service? What, are we in the army?

"Mmmmmmm!" I protested while kicking Jaredina. She grabbed my feet, making me go off balance and slammed me to the ground.

"Is everything going alright in there?" Asked someone who sounded like an older lady. She knocked on our dressing room. Jaredina ripped more masking tape and taped my legs together, so I couldn't get up.

"Yep, just dressing up my child!" Jaredina said, in a sweet voice.

"Well, Okay." The woman seemed satisfied with that, as I heard her fleeting footsteps.

"Your little boyfriend can't stop me now!" She told me. "He'll get over you. He'll realize what a total fuck up you truly are." She said, nonchalantly, as if we were talking about the weather.

She got up to lock the door and then came back down to me again. Damn it! I was hoping she'd forget to lock the door. Now, how am I going to escape?

Jaredina looked at me intensely and went on top of my body. "Tell me the truth," she said. "How much does this turn you on?" She laughed and was undoing her pants. I was completely confused.

This doesn't turn me on! I wanted to tell her, but it just came out as a: 'MMMHHH!'

She laughed again. "It's Okay. I'll give you what you want." I shook my head back and forth, more times than I can possibly count.

Just then the door opened and I was so happy to see Carter's face. "What are you doing, Jaredina? Get the fuck off her!" He yelled. Jaredina got off of me in surprise by his anger.

"Lower your voice! We are in a store." She told him. He grabbed my hand and yanked me off the floor, and put me in the back of him protectively. I was grateful for the escape of not seeing Jaredina's face.

"What have I got to lose?" He bellowed. "It's not me or Lila that will get in trouble because we aren't the ones trying to rape others! We aren't the ones getting innocent girls in the fucking hospital, are we Jaredina?" He asked.

A worker came over. "Sir, you are disturbing the customers. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I expected Carter to lash out at the man, but instead, he just nodded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb any customers. But, This girl," He pointed to Jaredina, "Tried to rape my girlfriend and had hit her. If you need proof, I can show you the bruises." Carter said, very level-headedly.

"That won't be necessary." He gulped, looking uncomfortable. In a muffled voice the employee got out his walkie-talkie and said into it, "Someone claims to be beaten up. Please go to the dressing room aisle when you can, please."

Carter was getting impatient. Jaredina walked calmly over to the employee and really quickly punched his face so hard he slammed to the ground. Jaredina made a run for it, but Carter caught her by her wrist when she tried to run by him. "Not so fast," Carter told Jaredina.

Just then an employee entered and saw what had happened. "I got to tell the authorities about this. I know you didn't do anything, young lady." He looked at me. "I suggest you go home and I'll tell the authorities what happened. Just tell me your name, address and phone number so I can write it down." I did.

"Thank you." He turned to look at Jaredina who Carter was still gripping hard, so she wouldn't go away. She tried to move out of his grip, but to no avail. Carter would not budge. "Come with me." He said to Jaredina. He took her from Carter's firm grip.

He dragged Jaredina off. It was just me and Carter. "Did you know?" I asked him, tears coming down rapidly down my cheeks, like a burning fire. He wiped them off with his index finger.

"No." He replied, with a slight shake of his head. If I knew, I would come sooner. I came to tell you that Kevin found a job. But, it doesn't seem that important anymore." He told me. "I'll text Kevin that you found one of your friends at the mall and you guys are gonna hang out. And that I don't feel so good, so I will hitch a ride with you and your friend. When in reality, we can head over to my place, so you don't have to deal with anyone questioning you. My parents aren't at home. My house is just a few minutes away. So, we can just walk there, alright?" He asked.

He saw my hesitant stance and quickly added, "No funny business. I promise. I'll be on my best behavior. I just want to take care of you. Okay?" He asked and I quickly nodded. We were off.

Once we were inside his house he went up the stairs to what I think was his bedroom. The walls were white with brown furniture and pictures of his family and friends. Even me. Weird. He set me on his big bed and tucked me in. "Get some sleep." He whispered in my ear.

"Where are you gonna sleep?" I asked.

"I'll take my parent's bedroom." He told me.

"Hey, don't be silly; sleep here." I told him.

"It's not being silly, Lila. It's being chivalrous. I would sleep in the same bed as you, but it could lead to other things. And as much as I want those 'other things' to happen, I know I'll regret them. I don't want to just do it with the first person who wants to. I want to make love with someone I know like the palm of my hand. I want to make love to someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to make love to my wife. Just get some sleep. Goodnight Lila."

"Night." I yawned into my hand.

He left the room and I couldn't help wondering why would he do that? Why didn't he ask what happened? Although I was thankful he didn't. I thought he would. Maybe he knew what or he knew I didn't want to talk about it.

Consumed in my thoughts I managed to get some sleep finally. I was really exhausted and thankful for Carter. If it wasn't for him I don't know what I would have done.

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